File #4




[Please Insert And Enjoy!]

As Lord ventured deeper into the hospital, his intent to acquire valuable supplies remained steadfast. However, fate had a different plan in store for him that day. It was a chance encounter, a collision of two worlds that seemed so unlikely yet strangely perfect.

In the midst of his exploration, Lord stumbled upon a familiar face, none other than Marie Swinter herself. The circumstances surrounding our meeting were comically absurd, almost as if the universe had conspired to bring us together. Marie, with her infectious energy, hopped over to where I stood, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"What on earth are you doing lurking around the forest, Lord?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of amusement and genuine intrigue. I couldn't help but marvel at her ability to effortlessly blend elegance and playfulness.

Caught off guard by her sudden appearance, I summoned my wit and replied, "Oh, you know, just contemplating the meaning of life and evading rabid squirrels. The usual forest activities." We shared a laugh, and that's when Marie extended an unexpected invitation.

"Hey, why don't you come to join me at one of my infamous parties tonight?" she suggested, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. How could I refuse such an enticing proposition? With a nod and a smirk, I accepted, already bracing myself for an evening of revelry and unpredictable encounters.

The party itself was a whirlwind of lights, music, and laughter. The atmosphere was electric, fueled by the youthful spirit of those in attendance. As I mingled with the crowd, Marie and I found ourselves engaged in a lively conversation, our words interlaced with humour and genuine curiosity.

"So, Lordsworth, what's the story behind that ancient square you carry around?" she inquired, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. I couldn't help but chuckle at her nickname for me, a nod to my perceived strength and enigmatic presence.

With a theatrical flourish, I held up the device and said, "This, my dear Marie, is my secret weapon against teenage angst and existential crises. It contains a vast collection of wisdom and sarcasm, carefully curated to combat any overwhelming emotions."

"We shared a knowing laugh, revelling in the absurdity of our banter, and I'm happy that I read multiple dictionaries so I can use as many fancy words as I want."

"As the night wore on, the conversations grew more profound, touching on topics ranging from the meaning of life to the absurdity of existence itself."

"Marie's infectious energy and unyielding curiosity pushed me to open up, allowing me to share thoughts and perspectives I had long kept hidden."

"In that brief moment, surrounded by laughter and the joy of human connection, I couldn't help but wonder if this unexpected encounter was a reminder of what it means to be truly alive. "

"Yet, amidst the revelry and the allure of the party, a sense of disconnect lingered within me, reminding me of the challenges I faced in finding my place in this ever-changing world."

"It was cool, to meet Marie but sadly I couldn't get her to tell me her measurements, sadly though it's still evading me a couple of days later"

As fate would have it, Lord found himself in the presence of not only Marie but her parents as well, Mary and Michel. The reunion was filled with warmth and genuine happiness, bridging the gap of years that had separated us. It was a reminder that amidst the chaos of the world, connections could endure.

As we stepped into the elevator together, an unspoken understanding passed between us. They had placed their valuables in a location they deemed safe, and my keen sense of observation allowed me to deduce their intentions.

With a mischievous glint in my eye, I casually moved my finger towards each lower button, pretending to be absentminded about the floor number we needed to reach.

However, before I could execute my plan, the elevator's tranquil atmosphere was shattered by the sudden illumination of a nearby TV screen.

The serious words that blared from the screen struck the core of our existence. Humanity had fallen prey to the relentless onslaught of the Parasites, and our first line of defence had crumbled.

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon us as we absorbed the harsh reality conveyed by the television's message. At that moment, the air grew heavy with a sense of urgency, and the unspoken question lingered in our minds: What would become of us now?


[Please Don't Leave A Cliffhanger]

{A/N: Thanks for scrolling down}

As I concluded my recording, a wave of unease washed over me. The situation at hand, the fall of our first defence against the insidious Parasites, threatened to spiral out of control.

The world was plunging into darkness, and it seemed as though there was little hope left.

A sense of responsibility weighed heavily on my shoulders. I had envisioned myself as humanity's beacon of light, a glimmer of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

But now, faced with the harsh reality of our predicament, doubts crept into my mind. Would I be able to fulfill that role?

Was I truly capable of leading humanity toward a brighter future?

Fear gnawed at the edges of my thoughts, threatening to consume me. I grappled with the magnitude of the challenges ahead, questioning my own abilities and resilience.

It was a moment of vulnerability, a glimpse into the depths of my own insecurities.

But I refused to succumb to despair. With every ounce of determination, I steeled myself for the battles to come. It was in times of darkness that true heroes emerged, and I was determined to be that hero. Because we were phaked If I didn't I mean Korea is already carpet bombing so we're pretty desperate.