Auction II

Kiera looked at Emir, surprised, but he signaled that she should ask questions later.

The bidding for the capsule continued, with more and more hunters placing their offers.

It was clear that some of the attendees bid for it simply because they were interested in it.

The item was rare and unknown, a clear enough reason for their curiosity. 

Meanwhile, others may have been curious about it for other reasons similar to this one.

"4 million for number 61," he called out, seeing Emir raise the sign once again.

The bidding had escalated quickly, and Emir could tell that many of the other hunters were starting to gain interest in the capsule as well.

Emir also noticed a man seated some distance away from him. 

The 'villain' was desperately bidding for the item, raising the bid ever so slightly. 

However, he soon stopped, not wanting to risk his life over the unknown.