Selling Out

Instead of relaxing after that exhausting battle, Emir instantly checked for any other signals in the area.

After a long moment of silence, he let out a relieved sigh, knowing that the battle was truly over.

However, still cautious, he made his way to the nearest group of fallen bodies and took out his daggers, stabbing the gang member in the heart.

He didn't want to waste any ammo, so he made sure of their deaths by stabbing them all.

It was a gruesome and tiring task, but it had to be done.

Emir knew that their neural network connection was weakened as they neared death, which meant that his relatively weak information gathering device could not detect them.

So he wanted to make sure that they were all dead before he moved on.

Once he finished, he turned his attention to the spoils of war.

He searched through the bodies, collecting all the guns, augmented suits, medicine, and ammo that he could find.