Riddles II

At first, Emir thought it was a simple question about plants, but as he delved deeper, he realized that the answer was much more obscure.

'The key is to think outside the box and consider all possibilities, no matter how unlikely.' He thought.

Emir tried a few different answers, but none of them seemed to fit.

He went back to the beginning and read both the riddle and story slowly and carefully.

Suddenly, it hit him: the answer was not a physical object at all, but a concept.

'Fire... Although the part about it needing water is confusing, it does need water to be controlled or extinguished, which further limits its ability to burn and its thirst.' He thought.

'I might be overthinking this, but Arcadia won't give me such an easy riddle, would she?'

'I hope this riddle isn't a trick question. And judging by her love for fire, she might burn me to death...'

Chuckling to himself he refocused on the task on hand and said: