Evelyn's Resolution II

"But before I tell you about that, what did you guys plan to do after this whole thing blows over?" Emir asked, his gaze locked on Mariane and Evelyn.

Evelyn, finally finding her chance, proclaimed:

"As you might've guessed, me and Mariane aren't what you would call normal friends. We umm… We grew up together in the same orphanage, and since then we've thought of each other as sisters…" 

"What I'm trying to say is that her problems are mine, as are my problems hers." 

"So you've got something in mind?" He asked.

She nodded. 

"Yes, although I'm not sure if it's possible, I'll apply for a professor position at the academy…" 

'Interesting… We might be colleagues soon…'

"I see. You'll be able to gain connections and a stable income—a good one, I must say—but are you sure that you've got the CV for it? You need to have a solid reputation in the field."

'And to be a celestial, which you are.' He added inwardly.