Kiera's Training

Standing mere inches apart, Emir and Jamal maintained their gazes on each other.

Then, in a swift and unexpected motion, both of them simultaneously raised their hands and interlocked them, pulling each other into a half-embrace, a sign of camaraderie and respect.

"My man… I like you; I'm happy that Kiera invited you aboard our sinking ship." Emir said, his amusement evident in his tone.

Jamal matched Emir's energy tenfold, reciprocating the half-hug with enthusiasm.

"Yeah, boss, man. Glad to be with yall!"

Raymond, who observed their exchange with wide eyes, couldn't help but sigh and mutter to himself:

"I don't understand the youths of today. Don't mind me."

Jamal reassured the old man with a friendly tone: 

"Is fine, old man. I like having you around."

Emir chimed in, adding:

"Don't worry, as long as you guys do your job correctly, I won't have any complaints."