Leaf Head

[Do we attack?!] Lyra screamed in Emir's mind.

But he remained still, seemingly unaffected by the pressure. 

Which was unlike those beside him, as even Lyra was struggling to stay straight.

[No… We both know how this guy does things.]

In the novel, Auric was described as someone family-oriented.

Emir thought that it was only shown on the outside, a cover that the man hid behind...

But it seemed to be true, based on how his daughter acted with him around.

So then it was confirmed to Emir that his other characteristic was also true.

This man loved a challenge.

Auric hated yes-men and liked those who actively challenged him.

He also loved the smart ones, wanting nothing more than to absorb them into his fold or at least have them as allies.

This meant that Auric's current threatening demeanor was nothing but a façade.

The moment Emir would try to defend himself would be the moment Auric 'won.'