Once A Good Man

Emir's every step was arduous as he staggered forward, clutching Alex's severed head in one hand and his cut-off arm between his teeth. 

The weight of his own body and the trophy he carried made each step heavier than the last.

His moving feet were uneven and labored as if the very ground beneath him conspired to pull him down. 

The grime on his dead augmented suit bore witness to the brutal battle he had just emerged from. 

Blood dripped from his wound, staining the ground in a macabre trail. 

The metallic taste of his blood mingled with the dirt in his mouth, a bitter reminder of the price he paid for victory.

His only path towards it.

One that Emir would never shy from.


Every inch was a herculean effort. 



Ste— Step.

A few stumbles didn't deter him.

Emir continued to move.


