Judgement Day

The day arrived.

And they walked into the tiger's den.

Emir and his family sat on the right side of the court, next to the long walkway that led to the three podiums up front.

The central dais, elevated the highest, was where the judge appeared, looking to be a different man than before…

[Lyra?] Emir asked as he looked to his right, his eyes reflecting Amanda's form.

[I know him… He's related to the target.]

The judge before them had long gray hair and silverish blue eyes, similar to Eldritch's appearance, although a slightly watered-down version of him.

But most importantly, he almost looked to be the same target that Lyra tracked. 

[You know what to do.]

[I'm on it.]

Emir's left hand was then tightly grasped as he felt the soft hand of his sister, whose eyes remained fixated on their mother, standing in front.


"Don't worry, kiddo; me and 'Amanda' got it covered."