

Amidst a backdrop of clustered Aether, a figure's silhouette loomed. 

'Its' presence was a specter among Aether's intangible currents that permeated the space, creating a veil that hid 'It.'

With fluid motions, the figure's hand weaved through the air, conjuring holograms of data that unfurled mountains of information reaching high above. 

Each holographic burst with complex symbols, numbers, letters, and flowing lines, only to dissipate with a single, casual glance.

Some watching this scene might wonder about 'Its' actions.

But to the figure itself... that was a menial task.

The task of deciding another planet's future.

With every gesture, every glance, trillions of lives crossed 'Its' mind.

Data from the day of their conception to the date of their approximated death.

Information regarding their daily lives, relationships, work, and most importantly, their use to the government…. 

To the systems in place.