Holy Relic

Moments passed and it turned out that it wasn't a knock but rather Laura weakly kicking the door while holding two large trays of pancakes, and toast.

Lily followed behind her, holding her own set of trays.

Emir once asked his mother to buy automata maids and the like to help them but Laura wanted to do everything herself.

He remembered her giggling words to be:

"I'm the bossman's mother, you know! I can't be seen loading my work onto others."

They argued back and forth as if they were making the toughest of decisions, one that reminded him of the time before their journey to the Academy.

But this time around he had Lyra and Lily to back him up and they were adamant about it too. 

In conclusion, Laura lost the three vs one.

The menial tasks like cleaning, washing clothes and plates, etcetera, would at least be done by machines.

"We got pancakes for all!"

"Grandpa's Mama!"
