Attacking Blind


Emir quickly realized what Morgiana had done.

When the coldest of ice instantly met a hot flame, a steam explosion would occur.

He was absolutely certain that Morgiana had done such a thing.

And sure enough, the explosion expanded before them, engulfing the surroundings in a whirlwind of searing heat and freezing mist. 

Through the chaos, Emir protected his companions with his Aetheric Shield.

Eventually, it all subsided.

The once-frozen landscape gave way to flowing steam, subtly revealing the aftermath of Morgiana's spell—a scene of utter destruction and disarray. 

Zerathar's throne lay broken, its limbs frozen and shattered into countless icy fragments.

Emir and Ragnar were stunned by the sheer magnitude of power that Morgiana had displayed.

That truly was a spell worthy of being cast by a Celestial under the banner of Glacial Weavers.