We Won

Except for the little one and Evelyn, all in the room now completely understood.

This fog wasn't something that the Order had orchestrated since the beginning.

It was presented first with the Primordials.

They hid Earth from the universe's truth since the dawn of time using the very thing that surrounded those of a higher plane.

The planets shown outside the Local Group were fake.

This fact was true.

Another was that humans weren't supposed to know that.

But they went against 'Their' warning and crossed the barrier around Sol's domain.

Have they awakened the Myths?

A question that remained unanswered to their current day. 

Whether or not they awakened mattered little to the Order.

For they were the ones who followed in the Primordials' footsteps.

As they replicated the fog…

And used it on Earth.

It was similar to what was done to most backwater planets.