Principal's Visit

'No… I ain't guessing.'

With that simple thought, Emir calmed his nerves and stepped into the room. 

"Oh, Principal Amon, you've been waiting for me?"

"I have; now come take a seat."

Amon gestured for Emir to sit opposite him.


He nodded, appearing unnerved, and approached his desk.

"But, I have to ask, what brought this… visit?"


Amon remained silent for a few moments, and just as Emir relaxed his back on the main desk chair, he replied with a smile:

"It's nothing; I just wanted to check on how my new employee is doing."


"Yeah… Well, I'm doing good; I don't know about the students though."

Amon chuckled.

"It appears so… But I'd rather not have you terrify the little ones."

Emir raised his brows.

"What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?"


The principal, not one to mince words, straight-up called him out on what he was.