Novel Update


Emir didn't know what to say or think; he was utterly speechless.

The being watching over their planet, their entire solar system, took note of him and even involved the Oracle in deciding his Title. Alternatively, perhaps the Oracle 'Itself' took note of him and informed System One of his Title.

Whether that was a good or bad thing, he couldn't fathom. All he knew was that it showed how he only glimpsed at the rules of the games he was in, not understanding what its players were after.

But at the end of it, a familiar thought resurfaced in his mind.

'…Nothing… nothing changes.'

He chuckled, shaking his head for a second or two before muttering:

"Right, this changes nothing."

Those words that escaped his mouth, he truly wanted to believe them. 

It was a sentiment he had repeated countless times in his life, and one that he would likely repeat many times more.