Archive In Between

It might not seem obvious to some, but this floor was designed to house both the library and the medical facility on purpose.

Students often overestimated themselves and tried to learn more than they could or even should. So the resulting consequence was obvious.

A near-death state that required immediate attention.

And what better attention than a next-door neighbor with every piece of medical equipment imaginable?

"Right, that's smart and all, but it's still weird."

"Yeah, yeah, just shut up; we don't want a professor breathing down our necks."


"Oh, it's you again."


"Those outside, keep quiet!"

"See! I told you to shut up."

"It's just a student though."

"You're highkey stupid."

"No cap."

"I said quiet!"


A chuckling Emir and Lyra passed by three students who were currently being scolded by a third year.