Outpost Defense


"You better shut your ugly mouth before I kill you!"

"Hah?! Do you even know who you're threatening kid?"

"And do you know who you're talking to?!"

Two men argued, their faces inches away from smacking into each other.

One looked to be a child, his androgynous appearance making him unthreatening, but that didn't stop him from standing up to himself. 

Their loud voices bounced off decaying walls that had undergrowth sprouting from the tiles that covered them.

This scene was barely illuminated by flickering bulbs hung above. 

"Yeah, yeah…" 

The man opposite the teen snickered, stepping back as he said:

"Of course I do. But you're not here as 'Elijah,' are you? Right now, you're a nobody. A nobody that is under my fucking command!"

Elijah's brows twitched as he barely managed to reign in his anger.

"I get that, mister 'Spotter,' but that doesn't mean that you get to treat us like this!"