Road To God VI

Emir was already thinking about his next opponent. 

He had detected someone's presence in the other room. 

Glancing at the homeless man's body, he thought of using it again but changed his mind. 

It was nothing but mush now; the poison had done its worst on him.

He could've used Blanc's body, as it still hadn't melted completely, but even he, who went to unprecedented lows to kill his opponents, wasn't about to desecrate a man he held some respect for. 

It was a form of twisted gratitude for the fun fight they had.

After fixing up his augmented suit and running its self-cleaning functions, he walked forward and stood before the door.

Emir then placed his right leg on the door, just above the handle. 


The door, as strong as the last, roughly swung open, banging into the wall and revealing a similar room.

But this time, there wasn't anyone inside, or so it appeared at first glance.