The Way A Healer Fights


Not counting Emir, the Hunter Group Alliance had ten leaders.

Nine of them were currently locked in battle, facing equally ranked opponents.

One remained—Lionheart.

But again, he had stationed himself near the entrance, now more commonly referred to as the exit. 

The ruin had become a place to escape, not dive.

Within its confines was a war beyond the students' capabilities. 

Templar was responsible.

That much had become abundantly clear to everyone.

Templar made sure of it—driving the point home even to those they slaughtered.

This attack had been years in the making. Possibly longer than Emir had been alive.

Now, what did all of that indicate?

There was an enemy Seraphim on the loose.

Templar wanted to end or at least hurt the alliance.

They wouldn't make a mistake by coming one Seraphim short. 

So that brought the question...

Where was the last Seraphim? What was he doing?