Operation Metro III


Jake and Emma moved through the slums with practiced ease as if it were their playground.

A statement that wouldn't be so false: they had trained in simulated slums quite a lot, for better or for worse, since that nightmarish day, never wanting a repeat of what happened.

Though their being faster wouldn't have mattered back then, a part of them still blamed themselves. 

The place hadn't changed much since they last saw it; the buildings, if they could even be called that, leaned over one another, crumbling, their walls barely holding together. 

Narrow alleyways dotted the place, littered with debris, broken tech, and remnants of life.

Makeshift shanties, a new addition, were spotted within a few of the safer buildings, supporting homeless encampments. 

That might've been a result of the fake war going on between Templar and the Liberation Army, forcing those scared into forming groups.