Chapter 15: Roxanne is mine!

"I will need your intelligence card, to perform the contract"

The Slave Merchant addresses both of us and then comes in front of me.


I reply and extend my left hand, Roxanne also comes to my side and does the same.

"Will of thy turbulent soul, breath of thy endless knowledge, intelligence card open!"

As he chants the spell, both our intelligence cards pop out. After that the Slave Merchant mumbles a spell or something.

"Now the contract is finished. Please check the intelligence cards"

[Kaga Michio Male, 17 years old, Explorer, Free Man, Slaves: Roxanne]

As suggested when I checked the intelligence card it had changed, there is a new entry of how many slaves I have with Roxanne's name on it. But when I use appraisal on myself there is no mention of freemen or slaves possessed, how odd.

"Umm, Yes"

Roxanne after checking her Intelligence card breathes a sigh of relief. She then stretches out her hand towards me.

[Roxanne Female, 16 years old, Beast Warrior, Owner: Kaga Michio]

"Indeed, the contract is completed"

Roxanne's intelligence card seems similar to mine with a picture of her face at the right side. I put my arm in front of her so she can check mine too.

"Err … Is it alright?"

Roxanne takes a peek at me with her beautiful eyes. Most slave owners don't show their identity card to slaves.

"Yes it's fine, go ahead have a look"


Getting my approval she reads my intelligence card.

"With this Michio-sama has become an Owner. The Owner has the obligation to provide the slave with residence, meals, and is obligated to pay taxes. When you abandon the obligations or treat the slave remarkably unfairly, the contract is annulled. Making changes to the will is a Slave Merchant's job. On that occasion please use this place"

While I was showing Roxanne the card, the Slave Merchant explained to me my duties. Listening to him I feel like I am adopting a pet or a child. From now on Roxanne will be totally dependent on me, my every decision will also impact her life. Maybe this is what parenting feels like.

When a Slave Owner dies, the Slaves die with them. If you want to change that you can make a will. In that will you could pass the slaves to someone else or you could even set them free after your death.

I am not afraid of Death now, but I don't wanna think about it too. And if I die I want Roxanne to be free and enjoy the rest of her life with my money. Shit I am already simping for her.

And fu*king taxes, my head hurts just thinking about it, they follow you everywhere even if you are isekai'd. Not being able to pay their tax is the main reason why 99% of people in this world go into slavery.

After that Roxanne goes to get her stuff. I chat with the Slave Merchant for a bit, he tells me about what kind of things they teach the slaves here.

There are many slaves here in this establishment, they are properly kept, fed and taught here. The two upper floors are where the slaves are kept. Second floor is just for male slaves, the third is for female slaves only, no males are allowed there .

Most of the slaves are taught Brahim language as the slave owners are upper class rich people and they need to understand their orders. Most adventurers buy Male slaves so that they could function as a good meat shield in the labyrinth.

The female slaves are mostly purchased as sex slaves, so there are older women here who teach them how to service their owners properly.

As this all takes loads of money, slave merchants try to find owners for their slaves as soon as possible. If some slave remains unsold then it can become a very heavy burden on the Slave Merchant. Alan explained to me everything with such enthusiasm that I could only helplessly listen.

At last I see Roxanne coming back, holding a big case with both hands. That must be all her belongings.

"Well then, I look forward to serving you next time"

I was seen off by the Slave Merchant and left the trade company with Roxanne.

"Umm let me carry that for you"

"No, it's fine"

I stopped Roxanne who wanted to carry my bag even though she was carrying her case. Looking at her standing there in front of me I can't believe this is all real. I pause when I see her bare feet.

"Here, wear this"

I take out the leather shoes from my bag and give it to her. Slaves are not supposed to have any kind of possessions, even the clothes that they are given are only so that they could protect their last bit of decency.

I was already prepared so I kept a pair for her when I inspected the Thief's loot in the village.

"A-are you sure I can wear this? These are equipment used in labyrinths, they are too costly, I don't mind being barefoot"

She sounds unsure, scared even. Ughh she is just so precious! I wanna hug her so badly and tell her that everything will be fine now. But I have to be patient with her, I don't want to scare her even more.

"Yes, it's fine don't worry about it, see I am wearing one too so this is an extra pair just for you"

"T-thank you very much!"

She wears the shoes, and they magically adjust to the size of her feet.

"Let's go to the Vale Pavilion and rent a room for us, follow me"


I had seen Vale Pavilion, it was in the town center, south-west from the knight's headquarters.

While walking I glance at Roxanne frequently. Under the sunlight her white skin shines and looks even more beautiful.

Her tunic is pretty loose, but still the bulge is massive. They look like mountains. I used to scoff at the jiggle physics in games thinking that no way they bounce at every step.

I was a fool, a frog at the bottom of the well, I knew nothing about the world, the game devs no they should be called sages, they were right all along, now I too am a firm believer of jiggle physics!

"So Roxanne did you study Brahim at the trading company"

I think the silence is making her tense so I tried to ask her some simple questions so that she could open up to me.

"Y-yes they taught us how to speak Brahim as that's an advantage. They were just starting to teach me how to write in Brahim so I am not that good at it"

"Good, being able to talk in Brahim is enough"

While we were walking some men passing by were staring at Roxanne. I feel irritated, they probably noticed the black slave collar on her neck but were still staring at her.

I wanted to yell at them to not look at my Roxanne. She is mine now, my property, I own her. Ughh I feel like I will become like gollum sooner or later.

As we have luggage with us we directly go towards the Inn, skipping the market.

"This is the Vale Pavilion"

I tell Roxanne who nods and follows me as I enter the inn