Skills (Commerce) (Spoilerish)

Now the skill he uses the most is Discount Negotiation and Purchase Negotiation.

Discount Negotiation is how much discount he can get while buying an item.

Purchase Negotiation is how much the price can increase when he sells an item.

The negotiation skill only works when both these cognitions are satisfied:

1) The character you are dealing with has a job with calc skill, so mostly Merchants of different kinds.

2) You buy or sell 2 or more items so that the opposite party uses this calc skill.

You can think of this skills as a hacking cheat which hacks the calc skill.

This are all percentage increases with different level corresponding to different percentages. Here the BP adding system is the same as the equipment section, which is double the BP points added to increase a level.

Here is how levels correspond to how much discount you can get in Discount Negotiation and how much more money you can get in Purchase Negotiation .

Level 0 = No increase No increase

Level 1 = 10 % Discount 10% Increase

Level 2 = 15 % Discount 15% Increase

Level 3 = 20 % Discount 20% Increase

Level 4 = 25 % Discount 25% Increase

Level 5 = 30 % Discount 30% Increase

Level 6 = 35 % Discount 35% Increase

Level 5 = 40 % Discount 40% Increase

Here is the run down for every level:

First is The level of rarity. (This is the required BP). [This is the total amount of BP used to reach that level]

Level 1 = (1) [1]

Level 2 = (2) [3]

Level 3 = (4) [7]

Level 4 = (8) [15]

Level 5 = (16) [31]

Level 6 = (32) [63]

Level 7 = (64) [127]

For example: Discount Negotiation (6) = 35% discount = 63 total BP used.

Level 7 discounts are never talked about in the og story yet.