Skills (Job/Class) (spoilerish)

For Job related skills:

Job Setting (costs 1 BP): Allows the user to rearrange their own jobs. After using this skill MC can take back the point added and deactivate the skill, but the changes made through this skill will remain. So mostly MC will just add the point in this skill for a moment and then take it back.

Here the user can do two things: The first is activating and deactivating a job. So he can choose which job/jobs to keep active. The second is to rearrange the order of the active jobs.

Job slot increase: Adds additional jobs "slots", so our MC can gain more than one jobs/classes (only the first of which will be visible in the Intelligence card).

The total number of Job slots = (level of this skill + 1)

Here the BP adding system is the same as the equipment section, which is double the BP points added to increase a level.

First is The level of rarity. (This is the required BP). [This is the total amount of BP used to reach that level]

Level 1 = (1) [1]

Level 2 = (2) [3]

Level 3 = (4) [7]

Level 4 = (8) [15]

Level 5 = (16) [31]

Level 6 = (32) [63]