Chapter 30: Explorer's Bottle

Let's start with Explorer then.

Accept: Yes No >

The first reward of Explorer was the Spatial Backpack, an amazing reward. So I am looking forward to this reward even if it's a Level 5 reward.

-Explorer's Bottle>

A bottle appears in my hand. This time it's an Explorer's Bottle?

[Explorer's Bottle

-Endless Water (Hot/Cold)]

The Bottle looked like a normal 1 liter aluminum water bottle. But reading the word 'endless' I got the feeling this wasn't a normal bottle. At the side there was a knob with a pointer. On the right was a red color display increasing in intensity in a semi-circle and in the same way on the left was a blue color display with increasing intensity. The pointer was in the middle right now.

Thinking that this was a hot and cold regulator, I turned the knob on the blue side a bit. Opening the cap I took a sip, it was cold water. I drank a bit more and felt refreshed. I gave it to Roxanne to try while explaining how the temperature regulator worked. She was full of praise for her Master.

This was an awesome reward, keeping it in the backpack, I moved on to the next one.

Accept: Yes No >

A Level 10 reward, it should be a good reward. And knowing Explorer's past rewards I was a bit excited for this one. I mentally click Yes.

-Telepathic Party Link>

A skill? I clicked it mentally and a blue text box opened up.

[Telepathic Party Link: Using this skill the user is able to open up a Psionic communication line with the party members]

Oh cool, let's try it out.


"Yes Master?" Roxanne replied looking at me, not even realizing that I didn't 'speak' per se.


"Master?" Roxanne asked questioningly as she could now see that my mouth didn't move.

Well I would feel bad if I bully her any more so lets do that at night.

'Yes it's me, try to speak to me in your mind' I tell Roxanne while directly looking in her eyes so she knows that it's me that is talking.

'M-Master? How are you in my head?' I could hear Roxanne's words in my head as if she was speaking to me directly.

'This is a newly unlocked power of mine, when we are in a party we can talk with each other through our minds' I explain to Roxanne this new skill.

'So Master can read my Mind now?' Roxanne asks while tilting her head cutely.

'No I can't read your mind, I will only 'hear' what you want to speak to me and we can communicate in that way'

This skill is new for even me so it would take Roxanne a while to get used to it. Hearing her speak 'Master is Amazing' in my head, I chuckle and focus back on the rewards.

Explorer Rewards were awesome, let's keep the train going. Next is Wizard.

Accept: Yes No >

A Level 5 reward, the first reward was the Wizard's Bracelet with a Magic Gem. I have a guess at what this reward will be but after this previous battle I don't mind if my guess turns out to be true.

-Magic Gem(100%)>

In my hand a familiar Blue Gem appeared. It was just as I guessed, well it's not a bad reward. The rewards are the only way I could find more of these 'Magic gems' to fill my slots.

I put the Magic gem on the left side of the other Blue gem and with a tic it settles into the slot. Now that they both are together I can see that the center one which has less than 50% of the Magic power remaining is way less Blue than the new one. So its Blue color is due to the Magic energy.

Moving on to the last Wizard reward.

Accept: Yes No >

Well this is a Level 10 reward so it must be good right? It shouldn't be just another Magic Gem.

-Magic Gem(0/10)>

A Gem appeared in my hand.

Huh? Is it really a Gem even for Level 10? But when I looked at it I could see that even if it was the same Diamond shaped Gem it was fully White instead of the familiar Blue.

[Magic Gem (0/10)]

The description in the Appraisal is also different. When I focus on the crystal in my hand it seems to be asking for something. It's not Magic, it's Spell?

Going with my feeling I cast a Fireball, but instead of forming a Fireball all that Magic energy gets sucked into the Gem and now I can see that there is a bit of Red in the White Gem.

[Magic Gem (1/10)]

So it's for storing Magic Spells in it. Next I try to cast WaterBall, but the Waterball is formed and it goes straight towards the wall. Roxanne on the side looked curiously at what I was doing.

It didn't accept it because it was of a different element? Next I try to cast Firewall. The Firewall too gets casted and now there is a wall of Fire in front of me.

So is it like only a single type of spell can be stored? After the Firewall goes off, I cast Fireball again and this time it gets sucked into the Magic Gem.

[Magic Gem (2/10)]

I place the Gem on the left side of the center slot on the Bracelet. Next I concentrate on the Magic Gem with the spell and it feels like I can use the spell in it.

Targeting the wall ahead I mentally give the command and a Fireball gets formed and goes towards the wall, but that's not all, I can still use it again even though I have just used it. So I used a second Fireball and it too goes towards the wall just behind the first one and as I haven't cast one normally, I cast a third one from my hand and it too goes towards the wall just behind the other two.

All three of them hit the wall almost simultaneously. So I can store 10 of the same spell inside the Gem and release them all at the same time if I want with one more spell of my own. Well it's a good trump card to have. I can even use a spell with another element alongside it, if I want to enhance it's effects.

I look at the Bracelet and see that it still has 3 more empty slots. The Gem became pure White again, I will fill the Magic Gem with spells later. I can at least say that the Wizard rewards were cool.

Next is the last but the one I am the most excited about, Hero.

Accept: Yes No >

Well the last Level 1 Hero pack gave me too much, but this one is Level 5 so it might not be as good, still I have my hopes up. I mentally click Yes.

-Charm Increase

-Gold coin x 50>

There was a coin pouch in my hand and simultaneously I felt tingles all over my body. I opened the pouch and saw that there were many Gold coins inside.

"Roxanne do you feel like your Master looks good now?" I ask Roxanne a bit shamelessly to see if this increase in Charm is really happening.

"Master, always looked good" Roxanne answers simply.

Just for that answer I gave Roxanne a hug. Then I looked into the bucket of water and I could clearly see a difference in my face. Like from 6, I went to 7 or if I get a nice haircut maybe even 8.

It's weird to rate a Man's face, but it's my own so it's Not Homo. Even my Eyes feel like they have some mystery in them. Roxanne may just be immune to Charm or maybe in her eyes Master has always been the most handsome?

I chuckle at my own thoughts and put the coin pouch away. I don't get the Hero rewards at all. Is having money and a charming face enough to become a Hero? Hmm maybe yes, anyway I will happily accept the rewards.

Now the last reward.

Accept: Yes No >

This is Level 10 of the Hero reward, it must be good, no it must be amazing. Feeling a bit nervous, I give a short prayer to any God who is looking and click Yes.

-Heroic Luck(Passive)

-Platinum coin x 1>

A coin suddenly appeared in my hand. I looked at it and its same purple color I saw that night.

"M-master that's a Platinum coin" Roxanne looks at the coin in my hand in shock

I wanted to scoff at the peasant behaviour, but it was my Roxanne there was no way I could do that.

"Yep, here have a look" I tossed the Purple coin at Roxanne and she caught it easily.

I felt so cool doing that, just like a Young Master. Roxanne looked at the Purple coin in her hand curiously.

"I could sometimes create money using my Bloodline Powers" I want to show off that we have money so she would accept a bit more easily the upcoming luxury of our lives.

"Master is Amazing" Roxanne gives me back the coin and looks at me in amazement.

I focus again on the level up notification. So is Heroic Luck a skill? I click on it and a blue text box appears.

[Heroic Luck (Passive): The user and his allies are Supernaturally Lucky when performing Heroic acts.]

So is it like a bastardized version of Plot armor? And what exactly qualifies as Heroic acts?

Like for me personally, I consider buying Roxanne as a Heroic act, as I saved her from other lustful people out there. Yes I am a real Hero.

Now that all the rewards were taken care of we should go back to the Inn.

As I was thinking about using the Bonus magic Warp, the door to the room opened up with a familiar face entering.