Chapter 64: Vale Labyrinth 5th floor Part-1

Roxanne was ahead of us, leading the way into the 5th floor of Vale Labyrinth. Following just behind her was Miria, clutching her sword and shield.

In the middle of the group was Sherry, with Lillia and Anastasia walking close behind her. Lillia was making a stoic face, while Anastasia looked a bit shaken; she even had her spear clutched tightly, with her teeth clenched even tighter.

I was behind them all, observing the new additions to our team. While walking I glance at my Character settings, just to confirm if I had all the BP allocated properly.


[Character Settings


Status: -

Bonus Equipment: -

Bonus Spells: Incantation Omission

Bonus Skills: Required Experience x1/20, Experience Gain x40, Sixth Job, Appraisal, Character Reset]


Bonus point used: 130

Necessary exp Reduction (x1/20): 31

Exp Gain Up (x40): 63

Incantation Omission: 3

Sixth Job: 31

Char reset: 1

Appraisal: 1


My highest Job, Explorer, was at Level 32, which I had kept as my First Job, giving me 130 Bonus points (99+31). I had allocated those Bonus points in Experience Gain up x40, which will also apply to the rest of the team, and I myself will be levelling up at x800.

I had also activated Six Jobs in total.


[Job Setting

Acquired Job: Villager Level 25, Thief Level 20, Hero Level 20, Farmer Level 1, Explorer Level 32, Swordsman Level 1, Warrior Level 31, Merchant Level 19, Wizard Level 30, Herbalist Level 1, Monk Level 18, Alchemist Level 20, Sex Maniac Level 12, Knight Level 1, Bounty Hunter Level 1, Cook Level 1

Set Job: Explorer Level 32, Hero Level 20, Wizard Level 31, Alchemist Level 20, Merchant Level 19, Monk Level 18]


I kept Alchemist because I wanted to provide Plating to the new additions, and Monk was for its emergency Heal. Merchant was there because it was very close to level 20.

I use appraisal on myself and look at my status screen.


[ Kaga Michio

Explorer Level 32

Hero Level 20

Wizard Level 31

Alchemist Level 20

Merchant Level 19

Monk Level 18

Equipment: Steel plate Armour, Steel Boots, Steel Gauntlet, Steel Helmet, Steel Rod, Wizard's Bracelet]


I was mostly going to use Magic this time, so not using any Bonus Weapon was fine.

"There are 2 demons ahead," Roxanne speaks up suddenly, making us alert.

I use my Enhanced Plating skill on all six of us, making us all withstand a single attack.

I can see that Lillia was holding her sword ready while Anastasia looked skittish. I can understand their apprehension, as I was just like them some days ago when it was my first time confronting a demon or even fighting.

In contrast, Miria appears carefree; she was just following behind Roxanne.

Soon, we see the two demons.

[Cheep Sheep Level 5]

Yes, the monster on this floor was Cheep Sheep, which I had previously encountered on the Quratar Labyrinth's Fourth floor.

Instead of the demons, my gaze went towards Lillia; I wanted to see if she had any adverse reaction to this sheep monster as a Sheepkin herself.

But Lillia had no unique reaction to seeing this, just the normal nervousness. I guess they see these monsters as demons only; they must think of them as a different race entirely.

I use my skill Telepathic Party Link to connect with them all and also greet the sheeps with a 'Sand storm' to not only hurt them but possibly send some sand into their eyes.

"Baaaaa," the sheep cry out as they start rushing towards us, even with the sand whipping them.

Just before they could reach us, the five seconds ended, making the spell's effect wear off. So I use another spell before speaking to others through my mind, 'Let's attack just like we discussed.'

'Yes, Master,' Roxanne replies.

Sherry nods her head, while Miria, Lillia, and Anastasia said "yes" aloud, either nervous or not used to this thought communication.

As they were my Party Members, they were not at risk of getting hurt by my spell. So Roxanne rushes ahead with Miria following beside her.

Just as the sheep wanted to ram into them, they both evade to the side easily, making the sheep lose their target. While the sheep was passing by, Roxanne was even able to stab it once with her Rapier. Miria was not that agile, so she just evaded.

The middle group had already been standing close to the walls on the side, away from the sheep's path. Just as the sheep slows down to stop themselves, the two groups rush towards the sheep.

The left sheep was confronted by Sherry and Miria. Sherry had stuck to its back and was stabbing it with her Spear. Miria had hurried towards its front and was stabbing it with her rapier with a serious face; I have to say that her serious cat face was pretty cute.

"Baaa!" But the sheep didn't think so as its aggro had fixed onto the cat girl, so it rushes towards her again.

The right sheep was confronted by Roxanne, Lillia, and Anastasia. Roxanne was the first to reach its head and poke it with her rapier. Lillia took a bit of time, but she also went towards its side and slashed the woolen body of the sheep. I can see that she was gripping the sword tightly and swinging it with force. She didn't have much strength, but at least her stance was good.

Anastasia, on the other hand, stood there rooted to the spot, her hands shaking a bit, looking anxiously at the Cheep Sheep.

'Just stab it from afar, Anastasia, you can do it,' I encourage her, making her snap out of her stupor. She looks at me, and seeing me nod, she takes a deep breath and goes towards the sheep's back.

The sheep, enraged, does a ramming attack towards Roxanne, who attacks it twice more before sidestepping it. The sheep rushes straight to the wall and had to stop itself or risk slamming into it.

"AAAH!" Anastasia gives a small cry as she dashes forward and stabs the spear into the sheep's buttocks.

"BAAA!" The sheep turns around in anger, its demonic yellow eyes looking at Anastasia. Anastasia freezes in her tracks, her grip on her spear loosening.

'Anastasia, move!' Roxanne yells in the Party Link as she rushes towards the sheep before it could attack.

Anastasia grips her spear and runs to the side as Roxanne stabs it again and dodges, the sheep who had rushed towards Anastasia in an attempt to ram her straight misses both of them.

I didn't use my third spell attack as I was observing their fight. If I had used the spell, the demons might have all died instantly. Instead I wanted the newcomers to gain some more experience in their first fight.

From what I could tell, Miria was not going to be a problem as she clearly had some experience fighting in a Labyrinth. Lillia was doing alright, not that bad but she could definitely improve for sure, but Anastasia was clearly not a fighter.

Although I cannot be 100% certain of all of this as Roxanne's presence had still made it very easy for them to fight the Cheep Sheep, as all they had to do was move and attack, move and attack, and repeat it while making fewer mistakes.

I am glad that the first demons were just Cheep Sheep, as they are relatively easy to fight.

The battle continues as I watch on as a spectator. Both Roxanne and Miria were able to dodge the Cheep Sheep easily. There was once a risk of Anastasia suffering from a back kick, but my skill 'Initial Movement Sense' warned me, and I, in turn, warned Anastasia. She was able to dodge out, even though it did scare her quite a bit.

There was no need for her to be that scared but she must have forgotten about the Plating skill that is applied on her in the heat of the moment.

The right sheep was defeated in a puff of smoke, with Lillia taking the last hit on the sheep.

[Sheep's Meat]

"Ha ... At last!" Anastasia breathes out, taking deep breaths, her forehead covered in sweat.

Roxanne and Lillia, though, did not stop as they both turned their attention towards the left sheep.

With Roxanne and Lillia joining, that sheep was also defeated promptly.

[Sheep's Wool]

"Fish!" Miria speaks aloud, looking at me, waiting for my praise, hoping I would gift her with fish now that the fight is completed. 

I smiled at her. "It was a good first battle. All of you did well," I say, looking at Miria, Lillia, and even Anastasia with a gentle smile.

Lillia looks happy as there was a small smile on her face. Anastasia lowers her head a bit as she just sighs in relief.

"Fish?" Miria looks at me confusedly. I chuckle as Roxanne goes ahead and tells her that we are going to have fish for dinner after the Labyrinth.

Miria and Sherry hurriedly pick up the drops as I motion for Roxanne to continue leading us.

All of them had 2 bottles of lesser Mana and lesser Health potion with them in their small pouches, which I had told them to use without hesitation if they ever thought they were in need of it.

This was still the Labyrinth, so I was being extra careful, especially with all of their levels being so much lower than mine.

"Demons ahead, 3 of them!" Roxanne warned us as the party got tense again.

[Cheep Sheep Level 5]

[Mino Level 5]

[Cheep Sheep Level 5]

I look ahead and notice 2 sheep and a Mino between them. They also notice us and start charging straight away.

Mino was the demon found on the previous floor, so I knew that it was resistant to Fire. Hence, I once again used my 'Sand Storm' Spell. Their charge was relatively fast, especially the Mino, who reaches us first even before the spell effect ended.

Roxanne dashes ahead, ducks down, and orients the Mino's charge to the right with her shield. She spins on her feet, looking ahead, and then slams into the right sheep head-on using her shield.

Miria, on the other hand, is able to dodge as well as attack the left sheep with her rapier, it seems that she is getting better at it.

I had used another 'Sand Storm' spell while this was happening. The Mino is able to stabilize itself but it did not stop charging, ignoring the two newcomers, it rushes straight towards me.

I count the seconds in my head but have to dodge out of the way as the Mino reaches me faster. I debated using the extra spells from my Magic Gem but in the end I decide not to. The others have already started dealing with the other two sheep as I tell them to not worry about the Mino.

Before it stops and charges again, the spell duration is over, and I use the 'Sand Storm' spell a third time!

The Mino grunts in pain as it charges towards me, but mid-rush, it becomes a puff of smoke.


I look back and see the two Cheep Sheep dead too.

[Sheep's Wool]

[Sheep's Wool]

"It was so easy this time," Lillia says, looking at the demon drop.

"It is because of Master's magic," Roxanne announces proudly.

"The Mino was scary," Anastasia says, her hands shaking as she looks at the place where the Mino had vanished.

"It is a bit intimidating if you face it head-on," Sherry agrees from beside her.

"Fish now?" Miria asks, looking at me.

I look at this group of young girls facing the scary monsters with me and felt a bit warm in my heart. Although they are all slaves and most of them are here without their free will, this still feels more like a party to me now.

This is the Isekai life that I always dreamed about!

"Alright, let's continue," I say with a smile, looking forward to the future.


Vanthebeard has used his points to claim an extra chapter for the previous week!

I sincerely thank you for your support!