Thank you Big Brother Queen for your heroic dedication.

"Did I come at the wrong time?"

His instincts were warning him that it was dangerous here, but not just Shayna, even the surrounding underlings were looking at him.

"Big Brother Queen, we will trouble you!"

The crew mates suddenly lined up and bowed to Queen, then quickly hid to the side.

The relationship between the Beasts Pirates' officers is quite strange, and it was not a secret to ordinary people. Although they cooperate seamlessly in battle, they act weirdly in non-combat situations.

For example, King and Queen would start arguing as soon as they saw each other, but although they argue fiercely, they rarely resort to violence.

While Shayna and Queen are now able to communicate peacefully without getting into arguments, this is only possible if Shayna manages to keep her temper under control. Unfortunately, if she happens to be in a bad mood, meeting with Queen could quickly escalate into a fierce fight.

Usually, Queen is one-sidedly beaten up, so he has to be cautious whenever he goes out and avoid being anywhere within dozens of miles of Shayna during periods when she might be in a bad mood due to physical discomfort.

Before Queen appeared, the crew members were very worried that they would be pulled over to be sparring partners, but once Queen arrived, they were safe, after all, when Shayna was angry, Queen would bring with him the "taunt" buff.

As he watched the underlings fleeing at high speed, an ominous feeling surged up in his heart.

"I suddenly remember that there's something unfinished in my lab, so I'm leaving. You can burn these houses if you want."

This was the most important trading island in the Beasts Pirates' territory, where almost all of the territory's goods were traded. He came here because the equipment he purchased had arrived.

Currently Beasts Pirates' territory spans five major islands, including the Winter Island, which houses the weapons manufacturing and research facility, the trade island where Shayna resides, which has a climate similar to that of the Spring Island. Additionally, there are two islands primarily dedicated to ore mining and one dedicated to agriculture, known as the Summer Island.

Taking into account the numerous small islands surrounding these larger ones, each only identified by a number rather than a name, they can certainly be deemed to have achieved a significant level of success.

Queen had only come to "pick up a package" and see why it was so lively, but he didn't expect to invite trouble.

"I say, Queen, it's been a while since we've fought, hasn't it? Want to spar?"

"Ah, the wind's too strong, what did you say? I didn't quite catch it. If you want something to, go look for King, that torture-loving pervert." As he spoke, he sprouted two pairs of leaf wings behind his back and was about to leave, but as soon as he turned around, he saw Shayna appear in front of him.

"Since you're here, don't leave, or else I'll lose face."

"Wait! Fighting is fine, but give me a reason!" He couldn't possibly match Shayna's speed, so since it was unavoidable, he at least wanted to die with clarity.

"I am itching to test my recent training results with you."

Such a plain and straightforward reason! Queen had nothing to say in response.

"Can I fight back?"

"Of course, didn't I say it's sparring? Otherwise, I can just hit the punching bag."

Queen's resistance was futile, and Shayna forcefully dragged him to the training field on the island. What followed was a one-sided beating. Queen didn't hold back, but he still couldn't match Shayna.

After some time, Shayna's anger subsided, and Queen had undergone tempering once again. He could feel that if it continued like this, his Haki level would break through.

Shortly after, he caught sight of those subordinates outside, holding tea and water.

"Big Brother Queen, thank you for your hard work!"

They were genuinely enthusiastic. Had Queen not shown up at that moment, they would have been the ones dragged into the training field.

Although they gained something every time they left the training field, it hurt really bad.

Queen had saved them from this crisis, so of course, they had to thank him.

"Why was she so angry? Did any of you offend her?" Queen thought he had already grasped Shayna's habits. As long as he avoided her for that one week and showed more respect to Arceus, nothing would happen.

Ever since he sold the information about Judge and others to Shayna, he had managed to avoid getting beaten up for a significant period of time.

"It's because of this bounty order, Big Brother Queen."

Looking at Arceus's bounty order, Queen's face couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"Big Sis has already offered a reward to find the person who made and took the photo for the bounty order."

"Double the price."


"I said, double the price. If it weren't for that ba*tard, could I have been so unlucky? Is that guy blind? What kind of person can say that word?" After thinking about it, he still didn't say the word "pet."

Just in case if Shayna was still around, then it wouldn't be a particularly enjoyable situation.

Other than Shayna, there were others who had seen Arceus' bounty order, but despite this, members of the Beasts Pirates all pretended not to have noticed it and naturally, nobody dared to bring up the matter in Arceus' presence.

It's possible for individuals to not take certain things seriously and even poke fun at themselves, but there are some statements that, when uttered by someone else, can become quite unpleasant.

So when Kaido saw the bounty order, he let out a burst of laughter that no one could quite comprehend. Following that incident, nothing was ever priced above 5000 Berries within Kaido's territory.

Meanwhile, Olga and King appeared on another island with the Beasts Pirates' crew to purchase supplies from the black market.

The production of Pure Gold is very difficult, not only because the extinct materials are rare, but even the existing materials are hard to find. When they received news from the black market, they naturally came to take a look.

But they didn't come under their own banner, but under Ryleth's.

Due to Spandine's erroneous report, World Government misjudged Ryleth's situation and believed that Captain John's treasure was closely linked to Ryleth.

At the same time, they found a clue to Pure Gold on the island while also pinning the matter of Pure Gold on Ryleth.

Kaido and the others are the people who know Ryleth's situation the best. World Government's actions are not absolutely secret in the New World. Since they can't find Ryleth's whereabouts, they have also begun to expand their search network, inevitably leading to information leaks.

The effects and value of Pure Gold are too troublesome. Neither Arceus nor Kaido want to be targeted by the World Government now, so after some thought, they decided to add a new smokescreen for the government.

Olga's ability allowed the Beast Pirates to disguise themselves as Ryleth's people. Since the misunderstanding has already been established, they might as well make it bigger.

Never trust the reputation of the underground world's merchants too much. They may fear power and not do anything out of line like Natjo Kingdom maintaining trade security within their borders, but selling information to two parties is common in the underground world, and it's not realistic to expect them to keep it secret.

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