The war caused by bananas

"Lord Sacred Beast, how about we go treasure hunting? Maybe the treasure has what you're looking for?"

Olga held up the treasure map in her hand. Although it was a free gift, she had compared it with a sea chart after returning and confirmed that the location on it actually existed on some island in the New World.

Her intuition was telling her that there may be something good in there, and she had confidence in her intuition. After all, she had survived for so many years inside the belly of the giant Anglerfish by relying on it.

On the island, there were so many fruits, but she skillfully avoided the poisonous ones, met the friendly Elizabeth, evaded the dinosaur attacks, and circumvented the acid tides.

Moreover, treasure hunting is considered one of the primary occupations of pirates. While she possesses a slight interest in it, she is well aware that any attempts to search for treasure on her own would be fruitless and she would only cause trouble for others.

If she goes to look for Kaido, there is a high chance that he will agree to her request, after all, apprentices are the favorite of the crew. However, given Kaido's character, he would undoubtedly send her off for solitary training.

Shayna is not a viable option either. She would consider such a meaningless task a waste of time and might even think that Olga is too idle, leading to her being captured for additional training.

After much thought, only Arceus would agree to this request.

And she wasn't wrong. Arceus' goal was to find the plates, but he didn't know where they were, so all the islands in the sea could be his target.

With the Splash Plate in his hand, the sea would become his home turf, and he wouldn't have to worry about encountering any trouble.

Months had passed without much progress, and since Olga had obtained a so-called treasure map, there was no harm in going over and trying his luck. Who knows, he might really find something this time.

Olga had already made extensive markings on the treasure map, and the route and target had been basically determined.

"It may not be a bad idea to go treasure hunting and try our luck. Tell Shayna to prepare the ship. We'll set sail tomorrow."

"Yes, Lord sacred beast. I'll go tell Sister Shayna right away!"

Arceus picked the new destination, and the corresponding manpower was already prepared.

Meanwhile, Queen welcomed the first harvest season of bananas.

Tropius's bananas were not ordinary bananas. After being cultivated by Queen, these banana's seedlings grew extremely fast, reaching a harvestable state from seedlings in just six months.

The fruits were not fully ripe yet, but Queen already knew he had succeeded in his cultivation.

When bananas are completely ripe, it's too late. They are usually picked before they fully ripen and then left to ripen. Only those who work on the plantation can taste the fully ripe fruit.

Previously, Queen had tasted some bananas that were picked early. Although they were not as good as the original one, they were still sweeter than ordinary bananas.

Furthermore, he was surprised to find that the shelf life of these bananas was longer, which was undoubtedly a good thing. However, his banana plantation encountered a problem.

Almost every inhabited island in the New World has its owner, but at the joint border of different forces, there are usually some uninhabited islands that serve as landmarks.

Queen chose one such island, where he brought some of the captive pirates and established a banana plantation.

Compared to mining, growing bananas seemed to be a bit easier, at least they could see the sun every day, so many people were eager to come here.

Only a small percentage of people are born as pirates. Before going out to sea, many pirates were just ordinary farmers, merchants, or fishermen. They ended up on this path due to various reasons, such as desires or the pressure of external force.

Growing bananas was an old profession for some of them.

However today, a battle broke out on this island, and the reason was these bananas.

In the early morning, the people on the island began to tend to the bananas as usual. There were also dozens of members of the Beasts Pirates here who served as supervisors.

This tropical island was originally uninhabited, and Queen only cultivated a small portion of it for farming. As a result, only a portion of the island is occupied by people, and they did not need to defend anything. However, some time ago, Queen discovered that a few boxes of bananas, which had been harvested prematurely and were ripening, had gone missing.

This made him very angry, so he ordered the pirates on the island to strengthen their patrols.

At this time, another pirate ship docked on the other side of the island.

The pirate ship looked very girlish, with many decorations that looked like desserts. The pirate flag had a human skull with lipstick painted on it, and the crossed bones behind it were replaced with candy-like things.

It was the Big Mom Pirates, and the one leading them was Charlotte Perospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family.

As the eldest son of the family, Perospero was entrusted with great responsibility. Some time ago, when Big Mom's ship passed by a nearby island, Charlotte Linlin's 'eating disorder' disease suddenly broke out.

Her eating disorder is really a matter of luck. If she can't get the food she wants, she will keep destroying things. Last time, the object of her eating disorder was banana mousse, and the members of the Big Mom Pirates had to search for ingredients everywhere.

Luckily, someone had stolen a few boxes of bananas, and the pirates on the island were all asleep and didn't think anyone would come to steal bananas.

Charlotte Linlin was also successfully won over by the taste of banana mousse. After that, no matter what bananas she ate, she felt they were not delicious, so her children had plans to occupy the island.

Last time they came at night, and the pirates didn't notice. This time, they appeared in broad daylight. When the pirates of the plantation saw the people of the Big Mom appear, they were all stunned.

"Who are you guys!"

"Kukuku~, we are here to take over this island. From now on, this is our territory. As long as you provide enough bananas every year, you can borrow our flag."

Apart from the islands occupied within the territory of the Totto Land, the other occupied islands only borrow the flag and do not have to give up their lifespan. However, they must pay sufficient tribute every quarter; otherwise, they will face destruction.

They may not be able to farm the land themselves, nor do they have enough labor to do so, which is why they rely on the locals to provide services for them.

Although Perospero said so, he was actually informing them.

"What sort of joke is this? Who do you think you are, you little brat? This is Beasts...," the person's words were cut off as a large amount of candy wrapped around them, muffling their voice.

"This is not a discussion; it's an order. Does anyone have any objections?"

Suddenly sensing a threat from the sky, Perospero transformed the candy into a wall and blocked the attack. Seeds were embedded in his candy wall.

"So it was you guys who stole my bananas a few days ago, huh?"

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