Trouble stems from loose tongue

Candy Wave is a liquid syrup that Perospero wants to use to bind Queen and others, and then take away the bananas.

Unfortunately, while he was secretly preparing to use his ability, Queen was also secretly preparing to use his ability, and the fact that Perospero was facing against the light made it his biggest pitfall.

The power of the sunlight is collected within his body through the leaves on his back and released as the Grass-type Pokémon's ultimate move, Solar Beam.

The attack requires charging up and is affected by weather conditions, but if it is released successfully, its power is considerable.

Although it is a Grass-type skill, as an attack released by absorbing the power of the sunlight, it naturally carries high temperatures.

Devil Fruit is already an unscientific thing, but it follows strange rules. The candy made by Lick-Lick Fruit is as hard as steel but its weakness is high temperature.

Perospero can defend against the high temperature produced by the energy ball explosion, but the high temperature produced by Solar Beam is different. His Candy Wave released was directly evaporated by the attack of Solar Beam.

The pirates around Perospero wanted to run away to avoid the Solar Beam coming their way, but their bodies became extremely heavy and they could only watch as Solar Beam got closer and closer.

Although Perospero tried to defend with the candy wall, the moment the candy wall made contact with Solar Beam, it melted due to the high temperature that came with it. His defense was completely destroyed, and the group was sent flying by Queen's Solar Beam.

Perospero is only 19 years old this year, and although he has eaten the Lick-Lick Fruit, his strength is still in the growing stage. Moreover, although he is the eldest son, his fighting strength is not the strongest.

While 25-year-old Queen has grown more comprehensively, and after storing power, the Solar Beam restrained the fruit ability, so it is not surprising that he has an advantage.

It's just that he still lost a portion of bananas.

He didn't want to, but he had no choice. He refused to compromise with Perospero. They were his things, and if someone else wanted to take them away, he would rather destroy them than let the other party succeed.

He could only minimize the damage as much as possible.

All of Perospero's people were hit by Queen's Solar Beam. It was not that they didn't want to dodge, but their bodies became slow and they couldn't avoid it.

At this moment, there is a sweet aroma in the air. It was neither the scent of ripening bananas nor the aroma of Perospero's candy, but rather the sweet fragrance released by Queen, a skill that can reduce the enemy's evasion rate.

In reality, this fragrance contained a special poison that can make people's bodies sluggish.

"Muhahaha, this is the fate of the people who try to steal from me. Now you know how powerful I am! That woman Shayna is nothing, if it weren't for me going easy on her, she wouldn't stand a chance against me!"

As he spoke, the subject seemed to shift in an odd direction. Queen found a sense of satisfaction from defeating Perospero and with it came a sudden wave of mysterious confidence.

"Uhhh, Big Brother Queen."

"What, why are you fools just standing around and doing nothing! Quickly tie them up and go harvest the bananas. We can't stay here, we need to find a new location."

Although he had successfully cultivated the first batch of bananas here, Big Mom's crew had also discovered the place. It was a fair distance from the territory of the Beasts Pirates and held little strategic value or significance.

Therefore, he decided to find a new location to build a larger plantation.

"But, Big Brother Queen, it's not really appropriate to talk behind big sis' back."

"Hmph, behind her back? I'd say it to her face too! She's just a mere woman."

As he spoke, he took out a cigar and planned to relax a bit. Throughout this process, he kept his eyes fixed on Perospero's direction. After all, he was the eldest son of the Charlotte family, and even if he was restrained, he couldn't be weak enough to be taken out in one hit.

Just as he was looking for the lighter, a finger burning with flames was placed in front of him.

Queen didn't think anything was amiss and proceeded to light his cigar, but after a split second delay, he felt that the hand looked somewhat familiar.

"You seem very confident. Good, that's admirable. What's wrong with me being a woman? I'd like to hear your thoughts on that."

"Gulp." Queen swallowed and stiffly turned around his head. Then, his eyes almost bulged out.

"Why are you here!!!"

In Queen's line of sight was Shayna, who was flying low in the sky. Wasn't it Shayna's hand that lit the cigar just now? A sense of unease rose in Queen's heart. After calculating the days, he realized that Shayna's "unwell" period had already ended.

But no matter how he thought about it, Shayna shouldn't be here.

"Did you come all this way just to fight me?"

"No, Lord Sacred Beast is going treasure hunting, and I'm just accompanying him. We happened to pass by here since our destination is nearby."

They planned to resupply here before continuing, but just as they arrived, the sounds of battle could be heard. Shayna came over to see what was happening.

"Ah, I see."

"But now I've changed my mind. We were originally planning to take a break here, but I see you're pretty confident, so let's start soon."

"Wait! You heard wrong, I didn't say anything. Don't believe me? Ask them," Queen pointed to the subordinates behind him, and Shayna followed his gaze. The pressure suddenly shifted onto them.

But after a split second of hesitation, they did not hesitate to sell out Queen. Shayna had arrived long ago, but Queen just hadn't noticed. Their denial would not change the outcome and would only bring disaster upon themselves.

"Sorry, Big Brother Queen!!!"

They queued up, bowed, apologized, and ran far away.

His subordinates explained the situation as it was, and the outcome was already determined. They did not want to offend the disciplinary committee member of the pirate crew.

"You bunch of cowards," Queen muttered to himself. Although he was not in a position to say such a thing, it didn't stop him from dissing them in his mind.

"Um, I think it's more important to deal with the enemy first." He really hoped that Perospero hadn't lost his fighting ability, so he could shift the anger.

And Perospero indeed didn't disappoint him. He stood up again, and there were still a few pirates beside him who hadn't collapsed.

Due to a lack of opportunities to show his abilities, Queen had still not received a bounty. He had also been reduced to a mere background character during the fight against World. However, Shayna was different.

She and King had been fighting almost constantly during this time, and had already made a name for herself.

"Sir Perospero, that woman is... the Flame Claw Princess. It seems like their reinforcements have arrived."

"I haven't gone blind. Prepare to retreat."

"But Mom…."

"I have no choice but to tell the truth about what happened here, and hope that Mom can understand," he said to himself, though he didn't really believe it. But it was the only way to comfort himself.

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