Transferring the problem

No one answered the question, whether it was soccer or bowling, the result was the same. Queen sat up dizzily; The Armament Haki that he had trained countless times had protected his body.

The bowling attack also spared his bananas from being scorched by the flames, although a few banana trees were knocked down, the bananas on them could still be salvaged.

Queen felt that his efforts had paid off.

"What are you guys standing around for? Tie up these guys quickly, then harvest the bananas and dig up the banana seedlings for transplantation!"

Seeing the subordinates around him admiring the bowling performance, Queen roared and gave the order. The ball attack hadn't caused too much burden to his body.

His modified body is very tenacious. Armament Haki protected his vital points, and his body size being similar to that of a ball, it wasn't too much of a burden.

The plantation naturally had no Seastone handcuffs, but where there's a will, there's a way. The pirates dug a hole near the seaside, made sure there was seawater inside, and buried Perospero in it, leaving only his head sticking out.

In his weakened state, he had no power to break free from the soil's constraints. The wet mud had a quicksand-like effect, trapping him with its powerful adhesive force.

Due to the length of his tongue, the salty taste of seawater kept assaulting his taste buds, causing great discomfort to him as a person with a sweet tooth.

And currently Queen was discussing with Shayna how to deal with Perospero. Among the big pirates, it was not just about fighting and killing, but also about human relationships.

Pirates of the same level hold the attitude of minding their own business until they completely fall out. At this time, Perospero had been defeated, and if he was killed, it would mean a complete falling out with Big Mom.

Considering the ambiguous relationship between Kaido and Big Mom, Queen hesitated for a moment, but he had already ordered his subordinates to move the banana trees overnight, and now there were only a few of them left on the island.

As Shayna pointed out, whether to release or capture Perospero, in the end, will only result in trouble, and the extent of it would depend on the thoughts of Kaido and Charlotte Linlin.

"Lord Arceus, how about giving us some advice?"

Queen, who didn't know how to deal with it even after thinking for a while, pushed the problem to Arceus, but as soon as he finished asking, he was greeted with a punch from Shayna.

"Don't bother Lord Sacred Beast, if it weren't for you putting the plantation here, would we have all this trouble?!"

Although she used Queen as a bowling ball, she still harbored strong resentment towards Queen's behavior of holding her back just before the battle.

Soon after, Perospero's Den Den Mushi rang, and the ringing sound woke the unconscious Perospero up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the scene of Queen being hammered by someone.

The ringing of the Den Den Mushi also made Queen realize a problem.

"Wait a minute, he's the one causing trouble, why are you hitting me? You should go beat him instead!"

"This is called holding accountable the person closest to the incident. The trouble he brought is reflected on you and which indirectly caused me trouble. That's why I'm holding you accountable for the issue, as it's ultimately your responsibility to address the problems that you and he have created."

Having served as a disciplinary committee member for a long time, Shayna was familiar with the regulations devised by Arceus, which in turn allowed her to exercise some creativity. With just a few words, she managed to implicate Queen in the situation.

"Hey! You don't want to anger Big Mom, right? If you don't want to, hurry up and give me the Den Den Mushi!"

Perospero, who was buried in the ground, shouted towards Queen. He wasn't threatening, but he was really worried that Big Mom would get angry if he didn't return within the designated time and surely uncover the problem here.

But Perospero wasn't happy because if Big Mom found out he had failed, he would be punished severely.

The best-case scenario would be for these people in front of him to compromise and let him take the bananas back. As for the injured and deceased pirates, Big Mom wouldn't care about such things. As long as he remained silent, there would be no issue.

As the eldest son, he knew best what Big Mom was like when she was angry, especially when she couldn't get the food she wanted, and if his luck is not good, he could encounter Big Mom during her Eating Disorder.

Thinking about that situation, Perospero almost trembled.

Unfortunately, things didn't develop as he expected. Although the Den Den Mushi was brought over, it was not given directly to him but was placed in front of him by Shayna.

"What do you mean by this?"

"Figure out how to answer the phone yourself. I think your tongue should be able to do that much."

Saying that, Shayna was ready to leave. This was the solution that Queen came up with in the midst of being one-sidedly beaten. Given how troublesome the situation had become, it would be best for Kaido to handle it by himself, leaving them to continue going about their business as usual.

As long as this trouble wasn't theirs, it wasn't trouble.

After placing the Den Den Mushi down, Shayna and the others left, leaving only a group of buried pirates behind in the sand.

The Den Den Mushi kept ringing, and Perospero went through great difficulties to finally lick the receiver.

"Big brother Perospero, why haven't you returned yet? Mom is already angry," Hearing the voices of his younger siblings on the phone, Perospero breathed a sigh of relief. But in the next moment, when he heard Big Mom's voice, he became nervous once again.

"Perospero, why haven't you returned yet? Didn't you say it would only take a few hours?"

Although the Den Den Mushi worked on the same principle as the telephone, it had the effect of video calls. Den Den Mushi's imitation ability could allow the person on the other end to clearly know who was answering the call.

Den Den Mushi that transformed into Big Mom almost made Perospero bite his own tongue.

"No, Mom, please listen to me, this was just an accident. I encountered some unexpected circumstances."

"There's no need to explain. Those who fail must accept punishment, but we'll discuss this later. I'm going to look for you now."

The busy tone came from the other end of the Den Den Mushi, causing Perospero's face to turn pale. He felt as though his future had been stripped away from him.

At the same time, Queen's face was also similarly pale, looking at the Den Den Mushi in his hand. It was Kaido on the other side.

Using the method of transferring the problem, this problem was passed on to Kaido. Although it would cause him some trouble, it was nothing compared to the trouble he causes himself when he gets drunk.

However, the heavy responsibility of notifying Kaido was handed over to Queen. Kaido didn't say anything, just informed Queen that he would intensify his Armament Haki's training when he returned, since Queen's fighting power as his officer was somewhat lacking.

He felt that he would certainly encounter misfortune if he went back now, so he requested to join Arceus' treasure hunting team first and planned to go back later. Knowing Kaido's personality, after a few drinks, he would most likely forget about this matter.

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