You guys have no idea how I obtained Haki.

Organ Dealing Assassination Group, a group mainly active in Grand Line, can be seen in both the first half Paradise and the second half New World.

Even in the Four Seas, there are occasionally members of their organization appearing as they are one of the components of the underground world.

Their notoriety even surpasses that of the pirates. Pirates have rules to follow amongst themselves and even the territories of the major pirates have their own system. However, this group carries out indiscriminate assassinations.

As the name suggests, the business of Organ Dealing Assassination Group is human organs, and the source of organs is assassination.

They hunt their chosen targets, take their organs and sell them. Even if the victims fall into the hands of human traffickers, they may not die immediately. However, this group of people would directly dismember the target.

They carry out assassination so as to maximize the integrity of the organs. Where there is demand, there is a market. Wealthy nobles who fall ill and require transplant surgeries sometimes choose human organs over mechanical ones.

In order to match the appropriate types, this group may hunt countless targets to complete their transaction.

They also hunt some powerful individuals or celebrities whose organs can be sold at higher prices.

And it was they who were just now hunting the Millennial Dragon. Dragon bones are part of the Millennial Dragon's body and, as the Organ Dealing Assassination Group, hunting the Millennial Dragon does not go beyond their business scope.

And their goal is naturally to obtain more money.

Although many people know that the dragon bones of the Millennial Dragon being able to grant immortality is just a rumor, there are still many who firmly believe in it as the temptation of a longer lifespan is too great.

As fraudsters, they don't need to be very clever. They just need someone even more foolish than them.

They love buyers who are both adorable and wealthy. In their eyes, this kind of foolishness is extremely cute.

And the group that possesses the most wealth and are often the most foolish in this world are the Celestial Dragons. Although there are a few good people and capable individuals within the Celestial Dragons, there are more who are like Charloss.

In order to do business, Organ Dealing Assassination Group has abundant informers in the underground black market. They know that Celestial Dragons are willing to pay an extremely high price for the bones of the Millennial Dragon.

Furthermore, to prove that the bones are indeed those of the Millennial Dragon, the complete remains of the dragon must be sent over. This group has been tracking this Millennial Dragon for nearly a year based on various sources of information and finally succeeded in obtaining one, only to witness it fall onto a ship belonging to the Beasts Pirates.

And due to the angle, they caught up with the Beasts Pirates' ship from behind and didn't see their flag, so they chose to open fire directly.

However, even if they had seen the flag, it's uncertain whether they would have stopped. This organization has been around for a long time, which has led some of its members to be overly confident and reckless.

If the organization continues to develop normally according to the original timeline, they would even dare to take action against Big Mom and her children at Big Mom's tea party, as well as the influential figures of the underworld.

Big Mom's tea party is the most important event for Charlotte Linlin, and when she holds the tea party, all her children and officials will hurry back.

And provoking Big Mom during that time means declaring direct war on the entire Big Mom Pirates. It's not surprising that those who do such reckless things are now paying the price.

Seed Machine Gun, Razor Leaf, Leaf Storm, Queen fully maximized his firepower.

Due to his modifications, except for his mouth, Queen's tail, mechanical arm, and even the big braid behind his head can release attacks. Queen has become an airborne fortress.

"Muahahaha, die, you ba*tards! This is the price to be paid for provocation!"

Under his intensive firepower, no surviving members could be seen on the deck, and only sharp leaves and countless bullet marks were visible. Seeing that the cleanup was almost done, Queen transformed into his Human-Beast form and landed directly on the deck to continue the destruction.

This time he kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything he shouldn't. He could already feel Shayna's gaze on his back. This was a skill he had honed after his slip-up in the plantation. However, there was still some resentment visible in his actions.

"Come out, you ba*tards! What are you hiding for?!"

He didn't enter the cabin but instead used energy balls to bombard the deck from outside. He wasn't sure about the structure of the ship and rushing into a confined space would be disadvantageous for him.

It was now night time, and the intensity of the sunlight was slower compared to the daytime, so he didn't use Solar Beam, which had greater power. However, as he continued his indiscriminate attacks, all the lights on the deck suddenly went out.

It doesn't seem he had caused damage to the power line, instead someone had intentionally cut off the power supply.

Then several strong beams of light appeared, which seemed to be high-power searchlights, shining towards Queen's face. After that, there were noisy footsteps.

"I don't know who you are, but we'll take your organs!"

"I like the liver, but this fat pig may have a fatty liver."

"It doesn't matter, I want his eyes. Hopefully they haven't been blinded by the glare. He should be able to compensate us for our losses this time."

Several iron chains wrapped around Queen's neck. In his Human-Beast form, Queen's neck took on the form of Tropius, which the attackers saw as his weak spot. The sound of blades slicing through the air rang out, and even though he couldn't see, Queen knew that these people were swinging their blades at his neck.

But what followed was different from what they had expected. Queen's neck remained unscathed under their attacks.

"How is this possible? These attacks were enhanced with Haki!"

"Haki? You dare call these tricks Haki?" Queen's hair stood on end at the mention of Haki, and he grabbed one attacker on both sides with each hand.

"Compared to the Haki that I've trained and endured countless hardships for, what you guys have is nothing!" With a forceful downward motion of his arms, Queen's massive weight combined with inertia to send their heads crashing through the deck. He then grabbed hold of the chains around his neck and snapped them in half.

"Moreover, are you all idiots? I'm wearing sunglasses. What good is this little bit of light?" Queen stroked his glasses and sneered at the people who had retreated back into the cabin. He seems to have come up with a new idea.

He reached into his pocket and took out a purple fruit, which had a distinctive feature - it was highly poisonous. Then, the fruit disappeared from Queen's hand, and his hand was enveloped in a green aura.

"I rarely get to use this ability, so let me show you the new Plague Bullets created by combining my ability and skills!"

Natural Gift has different effects depending on the type of berry held. After injecting poison into the fruit, Queen developed this brand new ability.

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