
Big Mom's behavior served as a wake-up call for Arceus. He realized that things like berries could fetch a high price, and even if the second generation ones cultivated by Queen lacked the ability to remove abnormalities or restore strength, the nutritional value and taste of these second-generation berries surpassed those of ordinary fruits.

Fruits are an essential part of a voyage, and resources in this world are controlled by a small number of people, so Berries can also generate extra income.

The most crucial factor is Big Mom's network. Her connections in the underground world are quite extensive.

As it happens, Big Mom values sweets greatly and also suffers from a condition known as eating disorder. As a result, anything she eats has the potential to trigger her disorder.

The exported fruits belong to the third generation of berries. With slight improvement, the third-generation berries will lose their breeding ability, and this resource will firmly remain in the hands of the Beasts Pirates.

Kaido's strength is still on the rise, as is the development of the Beasts Pirates. Even the Big Mom Pirates may not have the ability to handle the Beasts Pirates when the time comes. While Big Mom may not care about some things, her children cannot.

To prevent a potential episode of Big Mom's eating disorder where they can't find the necessary fruits or sweets, they must maintain stable trade with the Beasts Pirates. This will make it easy for them to use Big Mom's networks when the time comes.

Kaido can also make a huge profit as an intermediary. Kaido gets power, Big Mom gets food, and Arceus can use the network. Everyone gets what they want.

Although the value of these things is different, they all have different significance for the three of them.

As night falls, bonfires can still be seen on the beach, marking the end of the pirates' banquet. Most of them have already passed out, while those who have obtained the Splash ability were jumping around on the sea, playing around in a drunken frenzy.

Several of their close friends were desperately paddling on a boat behind them, fearing they might plunge into the sea and drown.

Queen was immersed in his lab, cultivating his new crops. He also tried grafting, attempting to produce some strange berries. Meanwhile Arceus was fusing the new plate to regain more of his strength, and Kaido had disappeared to an unknown location.

When he goes on a drunken rampage, no one knows where he'll end up. Although Arceus often complains that he causes problems after drinking, he just managed to retrieve a plate through his connections, so it's not entirely fair to say that he's causing trouble.

Meanwhile, King just returned after dealing with some minor issues. Now that they have their own territory, the pirates in the New World collect taxes for that piece of land, and are responsible for its security as well.

A group of daring newcomers just passed through Fishman Island, and King went to deal with them.

Although he missed the banquet, it didn't matter to him.

"Is everything taken care of?"

Shayna's voice came from the side. For the convenience of their daily lives, Kaido had specifically left a place on the island for Shayna and King. Apart from a few officers, no member of the pirate crew or ordinary residents were allowed to enter this area without orders.

This is also for their own sake. Occasionally, Shayna will release her Human-Beast form, and King will also remove his mask. Their true appearance must be kept hidden and anyone who sees it will be silenced.

"Well, they were just a few ignorant newcomers."

Although they weren't that old, the pirates who had just entered the New World were indeed newcomers to King.

Shayna knew that King had just returned, and since the chefs had already gone to sleep due to the banquet, she brought some late-night snacks for him.

Flying fish sashimi, King's favorite food, was something that could be prepared even without a chef. During their initial voyage, Shayna was responsible for managing the kitchen, so cutting fresh flying fish into slices was a simple matter.

"What about you? Have you found what Lord Sacred Beast found was looking for?"

"No, but there has been some progress. However, there's something else I need to deal with now." She handed King a stack of files, all related to the Organ Dealing Assassination Group.

"What's this?"

"We encountered some people from the Organ Dealing Assassination Group earlier, and I found our people's wings on their ship."

Shayna briefly recounted what had happened before and the information she had pried from the other side.

"Their headquarters should still have a pair of identical wings. The remains of our people are not their artware."

"Do you have a plan?"

He was familiar with Shayna's personality. Since she had mentioned this, she had probably already planned everything.

"No need for a plan. Just destroy those people directly."

"Lord Sacred beast?"

Shayna's plan was overruled by Arceus before she even had a chance to explain it.

"As I've said before, this debt will be gradually recovered, and my deal with the Millennial Dragons includes this part as well."

She had originally intended to carry out assassination with King, eliminating the leader and reclaiming the remains of her people. However, the plan has now changed, and while it was still an assassination, the method was vastly different.

As we all know, the purpose of assassination is to kill the target without anyone knowing.

So as long as all the eyewitnesses were eliminated, this matter will not be known to anyone. Therefore, it still fell under the category of assassination.

"Lord Sacred Beast, won't this affect your plans?"

"Of course not, and this is something I promised to do. When I make a promise, I keep it. Besides, I see that some people are already itching to go. Isn't that right, Kaido?"

Arceus's mention of Kaido made King and Shayna pause for a moment. Then Shayna seemed to recall something and ran towards the back of the house. There, she had dug a wine cellar and stored some wine brewed according to the tradition of the Lunarian tribe.

This wine was called Fire Wine by the Lunarian tribe because its only characteristic was its intensity.

Beasts Pirates have always consumed a large amount of alcohol, and the stock was always depleted after each banquet. Kaido, with his constitution, has no upper limit when it comes to drinking, and he hasn't enjoyed drinking to his heart's content in a while. Therefore, after finishing off their stock, he went to other places to look for alcohol.

When they arrived, they indeed found Kaido in the wine cellar.

Although Kaido was drunk, he still heard Arceus' words.

"Burp~ It seems like it's been a while since I've had a good fight. Since there's nothing else to do, I might as well go do it."

He is a pirate, and many things do not require a reason. The reason he does them is simply because he wants to.

However, it looks like they will have to wait for another two days. Kaido's post-drinking emotions are extremely unpredictable, and he could potentially burst into tears, laughter, rage, or even fall into a deep sleep.

Meanwhile, the wood that King had purchased several months ago had been processed into the hull of the Beasts Pirates' flagship, and it was about to embark on its first voyage.

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