The wolf's sense of smell

This cream fruit pie is actually a sentry post for the Big Mom Pirates in the Totto Land's sea area. Any ship that enters this area without permission may be attacked directly.

The firepower on these ships is not weak, and they are the most basic warships of the Big Mom Pirates. Compared to other pirate ships, Big Mom Pirates' ships look the least threatening.

Beasts Pirates' flagship has a dragon head with devil horns on the bow, while most of the Big Mom Pirates' ships have a smiling face.

"We have arrived. Come on, everyone, pull yourselves together and don't embarrass me!"

For pirates, reputation is always a big issue. The members on this ship have all experienced numerous battles, so they can be considered the elite among pirates.

Not long after, a ship with the captain wearing a tall cylindrical hat sailed towards them. Big Mom's flag was flying on the mast, but there was no pirate flag on the mainsail. Instead, it had a single word written on it - 'CANDY'.

It was the Sweet Candy ship, owned by Charlotte Linlin's eldest son, Perospero, who was sent out by Big Mom to greet Kaido upon receiving the news.

"Lick, lick~ Long time no see, Mr. Kaido. Mom's tea party is ready, please follow me."

As the eldest son of Charlotte Linlin, Perospero has also witnessed that era. Kaido is only nine years older than him, so they had crossed paths on the Rocks' ship back then.

Perospero also looked at the other members on Kaido's ship. The anonymous underlings could be ignored, and besides Kaido himself, the only familiar face was Queen. Other than that, there were only a few children, including a Mink child.

Olga's wanted poster had the photo of her Beast Form, so Perospero failed to recognize her as she stood before him, or rather, he does not remember those wanted posters at all. With bounties above 100 million being the passing grade in the New World, there are too many pirates with bounties in the tens of millions, and he simply can't keep track.

However, from what he can see, the attitude of the Beasts Pirates is quite friendly, otherwise they wouldn't be accompanied by several children.

At this time, Totto Land Kingdom was not as strong as it would be decades later, and the main fighting force of the Big Mom Pirates was still growing, and even Katakuri was still a year away from adulthood.

However, in comparison, Charlotte Linlin's strength has already reached its peak. At 37 years old, she was in her prime and had not let her figure get out of shape from excessive childbirth. All her functions were still at their peak.

The current Big Mom Pirates could not compare to the Big Mom Pirates thirty years later, but Charlotte Linlin herself was different.

"Such a long tongue, even longer than Uncle Anko's, people from the outside are really interesting."

Anko, the anteater Mink of Zou Island, was the person with the longest tongue that Setsuna knows of. However, now Perospero had become the person with an even longer tongue.

She was just speaking softly to Zeraora, but for Perospero, her voice was quite loud.

"Mr. Kaido, it seems you've brought a lot of kids with you this time." On the Rocks Pirates' ship in the past, only Charlotte Linlin was accompanied by a group of children. It was clear that the crew member of Rocks didn't particularly like elders or young, but no one on the ship dared to bully the children.

Mostly, they were all beaten into submission by Charlotte Linlin, and after many years, a similar scene from the past has now reappeared by Kaido's side.

Sweet Candy Ship was in front, followed closely by the King of Beasts' ship as they headed towards Whole Cake Island. Many ships were already docked at the island's port, and all of the expected invitees for the Tea Party had arrived.

They had barely stepped onto Whole Cake Island, and a sweet fragrance entered their noses. Most of the island's buildings were made of cake, and various edible things could be found all over the island.

Not only were there dead things, but also living ones - cakes running around, egg tarts that were playing on swings, and teapots that could speak.

These were the Homies that Charlotte Linlin had imbued with souls. A large portion of the souls captured from Totto Land Kingdom was used for this purpose.

After all, Charlotte Linlin was a Paramecia-type Soul-Soul Fruit user. There is some debate over what she ate to gain this power, but that is irrelevant.

Soul-Soul Fruit's user can manipulate people's souls at will, allowing them to inhabit various objects and give them human-like characteristics. However, the souls cannot be placed inside another person or a corpse, although it is possible to do so with other animals.

There were also chess soldier patrols on the streets. These were all products of Charlotte Linlin's fruit ability. Perospero led Kaido and the others to the tea party venue, giving a few lollipops to the children they met along the way.

The residents here were not afraid of the members of the Big Mom Pirates, but rather had some reverence for them. It seemed that they had already become accustomed to this way of life.

However, as they got closer and closer to the venue, Setsuna smelled something in the air.

"What's wrong?"

"I smell a foul odor."

"That's impossible, little girl. There can't be any rotten food on Whole Cake Island. They get disposed of by the demolition team before they expire."

Since the houses here were made of food, they had to be replaced every so often, and the demolition team here were all big eaters whose task was to eat the houses that were about to expire.

If Charlotte Linlin were to see rotten food here, even her children would find it hard to avoid punishment. When Perospero heard Setsuna say she smelled something foul, his first reaction was that it couldn't be possible.

"Setsuna wouldn't smell wrong. It's not the smell of food, it's the smell of people, just like the Manager's smell."

She was a Wolf Mink, and wolves were vengeful creatures. There are too many members of the Organ Dealing Assassination Group, and although she couldn't remember everyone, she remembered the scent of several key people.

Like the manager from before, and the scent of the head of the Commodity Capture Department who had captured her. Just now, she had smelled that scent.

Perospero couldn't understand what she was saying, but Zeraora understood. After more than ten days, it was enough time to roughly understand a person, especially since Zeraora was on a mission to get along well with Setsuna.

"Mr. Kaido, it should be someone from that group. Setsuna has a very sensitive nose."

This was Big MoM's territory. Whatever they wanted to do, they had to listen to Kaido's arrangements as instructed by Arceus before he left.

"Don't worry, they'll come knocking on our door on their own. Just wait."

Mink's instincts were that of a wild animal, and Kaido had always believed in this instinct. A wolf's sense of smell should not be wrong. He didn't know how those people ended up here, but they definitely didn't come to attend the tea party.

This was still Big Mom's territory. He didn't plan to do anything first, and besides, this was her tea party. Whoever dares to cause trouble at this time will undoubtedly meet with her wrath.