Such a grand setup is just to sell fruits?

This incident only lasted for a short time, and even the ordinary residents around did not have time to escape before it was over.

Perospero sent Kaido and others on the Candy Escalator and watched them safely arrive at the hall. Meanwhile, Katakuri was still on his way. Since he couldn't fly, even if he tried his best to rush over, it would still take him some time.

Zeraora's fight was too fast. When the people of the Beasts Pirates stepped onto Candy Escalator, Katakuri had just arrived at the edge of the mountain top.

As he watched the people of Beasts Pirates disappear from his view, the smile on Perospero's face completely disappeared.

"Take these people down and pry open their mouths. Find out who is behind them. Every single one of them!"

There was only one fate for these people, that is to have their lifespan drained by Big Mom. But that would surely happen after the tea party. Before that, Perospero needs to figure out exactly who is behind them. Otherwise, when Charlotte Linlin asked him, but he didn't know anything, he would be in trouble again.

After the chess soldiers took everyone away, a group of people dressed in chefs' uniform arrived to repair the damaged streets. It wasn't until this time that Katakuri appeared, accompanied by his twin brothers, Daifuku and Oven.

"Perospero, where are the enemies?"

"Oh, Katakuri, they have already been taken care of."

Katakuri addresses his other siblings by their names directly, even those who are only half-siblings. This is because in a pirate family, strength determines one's status. Although Katakuri is not the oldest, he has already demonstrated abilities that surpass those of Perospero.

To be precise, there are multiple people who exceed Perospero in terms of strength. Nevertheless, as the firstborn, Perospero holds considerable authority within the Big Mom Pirates.

Seeing that it was the Katakuri triplets who had arrived, Perospero breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to face Charlotte Linlin in the event of a mistake. It was a feeling that outsiders could not understand.

Charlotte Linlin's children could experience maternal love when they are under 10 years old. However, once they exceed this age, the only way to earn her affection is through their talents and strength.

"Mama is very angry. She wanted to come over in person, but I stopped her."

"...Thank you."

Perospero understood what Katakuri meant. He was not showing off, but reminding Perospero to handle the subsequent matters well. Otherwise, if Charlotte Linlin got angry again, no one would be able to save him.

"I'm not going to the tea party, please give my regards to Mama."

Although it was a wasted trip, for Katakuri, it was actually a good thing that the matter had been resolved. Originally, Perospero was supposed to arrive at the Party hall with Kaido, but now he needs to go and interrogate for information.

In the hall, Kaido and others descended from the Candy Escalator; the main characters of this tea party had finally arrived.

Charlotte Linlin seemed to have forgotten about what had happened earlier as Kaido's presence here suggests that her children had already taken care of everything.

"Mama-hahaha~ I'm sure you all know Kaido, so I won't introduce him any further."

She didn't say anything like Kaido is her younger brother so something in front of everyone. In a normal tea party, this might be an expression of "we're very close, please take care of him."

But this is the world of pirates. Charlotte Linlin can speak like this privately with her children, or through Den Den Mushi to Kaido, but she cannot say it in front of so many people.

"Kaido, did you bring a lot of kids this time? They all look so cute." Regardless of anything else, Charlotte Linlin does not discriminate against any race when she is sober. In her eyes, whether they are human or Mink children, they all belong to the category of "cute".

"Broyé, Moscato, take the kids to play and enjoy the tea party. The adults have important matters to discuss next."

Charlotte Linlin called over two of her children who appeared to be around the same age and instructed them to take the children of the Beasts Pirates to a separate venue. The remaining topics were for adults only.

"Go ahead, have fun."

However, although the Beasts Pirates' ones seemed like a bunch of children, the only real child was Setsuna. Zeraora was a creature created by Arceus and has a high level of intelligence. If one were to calculate his age, he would be less than one year old.

There was also Olga, who may have looked like a 10-year-old, but was actually over a hundred years old.

Elizabeth was even more difficult to gauge, as her real age and species could not be calculated by conventional means.

The children went to play on the side, leaving only Queen and Kaido behind.

After Kaido took his seat, Queen stood by his side. The people who were seated here were the heads of various businesses, and Queen did not have the qualifications to be seated.

At Kaido's signal, Queen took out the small box that was slung over his shoulder.

Looking at the box, although Stussy's expression remained unchanged, she was already nervous inside.

She didn't know what was inside the box, but what could the Beasts Pirates have brought to specially show them at the Big Mom Pirates' tea party?

A new type of prohibited drug? Head of someone who offended them? Some commercial contracts? Dangerous weapons? Stussy thought of many possibilities, but when the box was opened, she became confused.

The box was full of fruits, although they were three types of fruit she had never seen before, they were still just fruit.

They couldn't possibly be Devil Fruit. Not only do Devil Fruits not have such a pleasant fragrance, but there's no way there could be so many identical ones.

Not only Stussy, but nobody else understood either, except for one person who was very happy, and that was Charlotte Linlin.

"Mama-hahaha~ Kaido, is this the new variety you were talking about?"

"Yes, these are the ones. Queen, why don't you give them a detailed introduction."

"Leave it to me, Boss Kaido. These are the fruits we've newly cultivated. This one is the Pecha Berry. It's very sweet, and not only can the fruit be eaten, but the leaves can also be used to make sugar. They can be made into excellent-tasting candies."

"This is the Sitrus Berry. Although it's not as sweet as the Pecha Berry, the sweet and sour flesh is still very delicious. Although the skin is bitter, it can be dried and ground to make curry powder, which is a first-class curry ingredient."

Queen used the berries' effect as an example, but no amount of talk was as good as actually tasting them. Big Mom Pirates had no shortage of chefs, and soon someone had prepared a fruit platter with these fruits and brought it out, while preparations for other items were also underway in the kitchen.

Looking at the fruit platter in front of her, Stussy suddenly felt a little tired. Prior to this, she had been apprehensive that there was something more significant at play, but it appeared that the Beasts Pirates just wanted to sell fruits.