Not a lucky day for King

Looking at the still burning Fire Spin, Zephyr's expression was terrifying, which may have had something to do with him being burnt bald. His Haki defense prevented him from being burned over a large area, but his clothes and hair couldn't be saved.

Due to the mistake of the excellent photographers, Zephyr didn't know that the Fire Spin was Arceus' doing and mistook it for King's skill.

King himself uses fire extensively in battles, but the intelligence clearly stated that he is a Zoan-type user.

"Mythical Zoan, is it?...the power of this flame is probably even stronger than the Flame-Flame Fruit."

Fire Spin left behind by Arceus lasted for a long time, and after they left the island, the Fire Spin finally dissipated after exhausting its power.

During this period, neither strong winds nor anything else could extinguish the flames, which led many survivors on the island to believe that it was the anger of the gods.

"Boss King, your new bounty has been issued."

A few days later, on the return journey, King's bounty was updated, and the reward money directly reached 300 million Berries, making him have the highest bounty in the Beasts Pirates under Kaido.

This was due to Zephyr's report. Anyone who has the ability to temporarily trap a former Admiral is really worth this price. Berry has not depreciated yet, so three hundred million is already a considerable price.

The other party only chose to trap him but did not take further action, which led Zephyr to conclude that he was unable to continue on, which ultimately led to this bounty.

"300 million Berries, it is really worthy of Boss King, so strong."

"Yeah, even Boss Shayna's bounty is not this high, but has Boss King done anything lately?"

There must be a reason for the increase in the bounty. In their impression, King didn't seem to have done anything, except following Arceus all the time, so how did the bounty end up increasing?

"Focus on sailing and pay less attention to these useless things." King could guess why his bounty has increased, but it was better not to talk about the fact that his bounty has skyrocketed because of Arceus.

During this trip, they didn't find what they needed, and due to the destruction caused by the war, they couldn't replenish their supplies on the island. Meanwhile, they also distributed some relief food to the survivors of the disaster.

After they confirmed the presence of the Marines on the island, they had nothing to do with the follow-up matters. Following the Log Pose, they arrived on a nearby island to replenish their supplies.

Of course, they came here not just for supplies, but also to search for ancient plants. The climate on this island is that of a Prehistoric Island, but its inhabitants have kept up with the times.

Since rare herbs that have gone extinct in the outside world can occasionally be found in the depths of the mountains here, the island's economy was somewhat stable.

However, when King arrived, he felt that something was not quite right here. They had just run into the Marines led by Zephyr, and now they have encountered new trouble here.

He was simply looking for similar herbs based on the sketches that Acier had drawn. Unexpectedly, he found the herbs, but before he could even buy them, new trouble came knocking at his door.

A group of bounty hunters had surrounded the area. Bounty hunting is one of the main professions in this world. These people are unwilling to join the Marines, but dislike pirates and do not want to engage in normal manufacturing work. So, they choose to become bounty hunters, relying on the heads of pirates to exchange for a bounty.

However, they were just a group of people who worked for money. Not only do they catch pirates, but many things are within their professional purview if the price was right.

And their target is not King, but the shop owner behind him.

"You can do whatever you want, just don't bother me. I have something else to do."

He has no interest in getting involved in these matters. Finding the necessary plants is already a great accomplishment. Now, he just wants to bring back the goods and report back. However, someone outside did not want to let him leave just like this.

"A bounty of 300 million."

Although King had his disguise, he hadn't changed his appearance in so many years. World Government offers a high bounty for pirates to attract bounty hunters to hunt them down, not to make people fear them.

Money moves people's hearts. Faced with King's bounty, some of these bounty hunters were tempted. This world will never be short of people who are ignorant of their own limitations.

Moreover, when it comes to a pirate's bounty, in addition to their own strength and the World Government's evaluation of their overall influence, the captain of their crew was also a factor to consider.

The bounties of the subordinates of the major pirates are higher than those of other pirates. Their strength is indeed not weak, but it is also influenced by their captain. Therefore, the bounties of some of the major pirates' officers are sometimes inflated.

If they encounter such inflated bounties, it is an opportunity for some powerful people to profit from the situation.

"Courting death."

Looking at the guns still pointed at him, King flapped his wings.

"Burning Meteor Emperor"

Sharp wings cut through the two people beside him, and then stones engulfed in flames appeared out of nowhere besides King before hurtling towards the remaining people.

After obtaining their own abilities, they didn't stick to convention, instead found different ways of using them according to their own understanding and habits.

Queen combined Seed Machine Gun and body modification, Shayna's Blaze Kick has been merged with her original kick techniques, Zeraora has learned an alternative use of Volt Switch, and Kaido can block powerful attacks.

Even wild Pokemon can discover different uses of their skills, not to mention them. Rock Slide and Stone Edge are King's most commonly used skills, and combined with his own flame power, Rock Slide in his hand is more like a flaming meteor.

After that, he walked out of the door, but found that there was another group of people outside.

"Looks like you're quite valuable?"

They only changed their route and came to this island because of insufficient supplies, so these people couldn't have come for him. Then their target could only be the pharmacy owner behind him.

An ordinary pharmacy owner couldn't attract so many people. Over a hundred people were outside, and even two cannons were pointed towards this place. King's flaming meteor had just shattered the outer wall, and upon seeing the situation inside, these people chose to open fire.

However, the exploding shells didn't scatter shrapnel, but green gas. At some point, the people around him had put on gas masks.

"This is a special anesthetic. I bought the recipe from that group of people. Even a dinosaur can be put to sleep with it. I don't believe you can withstand it!"

The group of people he was referring to were the Organ Dealing Assassination Group, who have outstanding skills in anesthetic drugs, but they had been having a hard time recently.

After their headquarters was destroyed by Kaido, their remaining forces were hit with a devastating blow from the Big Mom Pirates, and the New World was no longer a safe place for them.