Chansey's egg

They had been searching for three years, but they only found that one plate, which made Kaido realize that this would be a huge undertaking.

He wasn't being lazy, but if he cannot find them, there is nothing that can be done about it.

He wasn't joking about having his daughter recognize Arceus as her adoptive father. This kind of thing was very common in the One Piece world, just like Whitebeard's great undertaking of adopting sons that was going on like wildfire, and the members of the Whitebeard Pirates continues to increase.

Also, he had contemplated over letting Yamato recognize Arceus as her adopted father as it can strengthen the connection between the two through his daughter.

"It's not impossible, but don't you think your previous training plan was too strict?"

"No, she's my daughter, there's no way she can't even endure this level of training. Oh, and do you remember a few years ago when I asked you to give me a stronger ability? Give it to her instead."

"She's too young. She can't handle that kind of ability right now. Let's wait a little longer. However, we should prepare to move out. This place is no longer suitable to be our main island."

This was ultimately a Winter Island. At first, the Beasts Pirates' territory was not large, and the business here was also quite important, which was why they put their headquarters here.

But now the Beasts Pirates' territory was getting bigger, and their manpower was gradually increasing, so this Winter Island was no longer suitable as the main island. There are islands within their territory that have pleasant climate all year round. They should prepare to move out earlier.

Especially now that they have children. The environment here is not suitable for children's growth, nor is it suitable for plant growth. Queen could only grow plants in the laboratory.

Now that they have Miltank, it's time to put moving on the agenda. The quality of Miltank's milk is closely related to their food. High-quality pasture can make the milk taste better and the nutrition more abundant.

Previously, he had ignored this issue because the business had always been about fruits, but now in order to raise children, he had modified two Miltank and was carefully considering the development of animal husbandry.

"There are suitable islands, but they are not yet ready."

"Let's put it on the agenda. Oh, by the way, this is for you." He threw a Revival Herb at Kaido and explained its use to him.

"Worororo, a second life? It's really interesting. I should find an opportunity to try it out..."

"This is for you to use in case of an emergency, and not for when you act recklessly. You've been caught several times in the last three years. Can't you be more mindful?"

"Don't worry, those guys can't hurt me."

The existence of four Chansey is so that they can work by taking turns and Kaido wasn't worried about having them take care of Yamato, as they are creatures created by Arceus.

Others may not know, but Kaido doesn't find it strange when Arceus brings back strange creatures, and he can even guess where they come from.

Both Chansey and Miltank are here to take care of Yamato, but Jack can also get some care from Chansey when they have the time.

After the initial novelty wore off, most people returned to their own homes, and even Kaido, feeling at ease, went back to drink. It could be said that his policy of letting things run their course had already begun.

Only Setsuna and Shayna still had some interest in the two babies, but for now, Chansey was doing a good job, and there is no need for them to intervene in anything else.

However, Setsuna's gaze was now focused on another place, that is, Chansey. She was examining these strange creatures.

Miltank can be considered an upright walking cow, but Chansey is unlike any creature she knows. Its pink, round body is like an egg.

There are hair-like protrusions on its head, and of course, the most important thing is the pouch-like object in front of its body, which contained a very large egg.

"Umhh, can that egg be eaten? It looks very delicious."

She looked at an idle Chansey on the side and curiously asked.

"Chaaaansey?" Chansey shook its head at Setsuna, although it had no neck, it swayed its body to make the gesture.

Chansey's eggs are edible, and they are also a rare delicacy. They can produce several eggs every day if needed, but they rarely give their eggs to others and are usually very protective of their eggs.

Chansey is a very gentle Pokémon, and it will only offer its eggs to those it likes or to those it thinks are injured and in need of nourishment.

Setsuna's intuition was telling her that the egg was delicious, so she asked the question, and Chansey seems to be struggling with whether or not to give her an egg.

Despite not being able to communicate like Zeraora, Chansey holds significant strategic value. Although they were created primarily as caretakers, they too have acquired knowledge from Arceus.

"Chaaaansey~" This was a question to Arceus as Chansey wasn't able to decide.

"You can just follow your own feelings, no need to overthink it," he loved the creatures he created and would respect their race' customs, such as Chansey valuing the eggs.

Chansey thought for a moment and then handed an egg to Setsuna.

"Thank you, I'll prepare some grilled fish for you all tomorrow."

Although Chansey's pronunciation was only the sound "Chaaaansey," Setsuna could somehow understand the general meaning conveyed by Chansey.

In fact, according to Mink's etiquette, the best way to express friendliness with a stranger from another race is to exchange clothes, but there was nothing on Chansey's body that could be exchanged.

So after rubbing against Chansey and exchanging Garchu greeting, she left with the egg while leaving behind these words.

The next day,

The news of Kaido having a daughter spread throughout the entire island, and as both Kaido's biological daughter and Arceus' adopted daughter, Yamato has gained significant status despite being only a month old.

However, an unexpected visitor arrived on the island at this time. She arrived on Scotch's ship. Since he had to deal with some reckless newcomers, Scotch's journey was delayed, and he only arrived in the nearby waters this morning.

Just as he was about to return to the island, another ship intercepted his ship, and an old woman walked down from it.

She had white hair and wore a white headband on her head with two burning candles fastened on her forehead. To Scotch, her strange attire made her appear mentally unstable.

"Who are you? Can't you see the flag on the ship?" He said while raising the rotary machine gun embedded on his arm. Even if he chose to directly attack her, it would have been fine since she had rashly entered the sea area ruled by other pirates.

"Nikyokyo~~, don't be so impatient, young man. I have a huge business to discuss with your captain. He will see me. I have seen it in a prophecy."

TL: Have added a new tier on patreon 40$- 40 Chapters.

I hope you guys can come and support. Thank you....