Yamato's magical attribute

The attribute of the Plate was Dragon. Although the eighteen plates are not ranked, if we have to classify them in terms of strength, the Draco Plate would definitely be one of the strongest.

The five attributes Ground, Water, Grass, Lightning, and Dragon are known as the source of life. These five plates can form a Life Orb, bringing prosperity to an area. Currently, except for Ground, the other four plates were already in his possession, not to mention the Dragon-type plate which has the strongest effect.

Many Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon have the Dragon attribute, and the various enhancements brought by the Draco Plate are visibly powerful. However, there is a small problem, apart from its own inherent strength, the plate's primary benefit lies in providing immunity against attacks.

From a rule standpoint, immunity to attacks of a particular attribute is one of the most potent features of a plate. However, in this world, it seems that Kaido is the only one who possesses dragon-type attacks. Furthermore, Dragon-types are restrained by the Dragon attribute.

Arceus looked at Yamato in Chansey's arms and felt somewhat perplexed. Did Kaido's daughter help him find a trump card against Kaido?

After all, with the Draco Plate, he would be completely immune to Kaido's abilities, while when he fights Kaido, he would have double the advantage.

Finding the Draco Plate is a good thing, but finding it with Yamato's help is somewhat intriguing.

But this is also good in a way. There is no chance of him being hostile towards Kaido, and with Yamato now his adopted daughter, having the natural ability to counter Kaido's attribute is much stronger than having the attribute of Lu Bu.

After all, being Lu Bu's adoptive father is a high-risk occupation. [TN: Lu Bu killed all of his adoptive fathers.]

"You are free to move around, but return to the ship after supplies have been replenished."

This operation went surprisingly smoothly. They didn't encounter any trouble or run into any strange people along the way, and they also managed to find a new plate easily.

There isn't much fun to do on this island, but it's peaceful. After withdrawing his strength, Arceus guided the direction of the power and let the tsunami consume all its energy in the center of the ocean.

Only a large wave was experienced here, which did not cause any damage. Just before they arrived, there were still residents picking fish on the beach. However, after seeing the pirate flag, they went into hiding. It seemed like this island wasn't under the control of pirates.

Freshwater, food; the people on the Genesis ship were busy as ever. However, the person on lookout duty suddenly signaled from the watchtower.

"Lord Sacred Beast, it's Oro Jackson! Roger Pirates' ship is approaching the island!"

Pirates are only at ease in their own territory. When away from home, any pirate crew will be concerned about the situation in the surrounding sea areas. After all, being suddenly surrounded by the Marines would be a big problem.

No pirate crew has the ability to overthrow the entire Marine organization. Marine soldiers are also recruited from the Four Seas, so it would be pointless to engage in a battle of attrition with them. Therefore, pirates rarely attack the Marines unless they have a specific purpose in mind.

Although they haven't seen any warships now, they still need to be cautious of other pirate's ships.

"However, their ship is quite damaged, it seems they just went through a major battle. Lord Sacred Beast, what should we do?"

"Just ignore them and do what we need to do."

Even without binoculars, he could see the condition of the Oro Jackson clearly. The main mast was on the verge of breaking, and there were holes on both sides of the hull. It looked like they were planning to dock and make emergency repairs.

Even though the Oro Jackson was built by Tom with Treasure Tree Adam, it was still in poor condition after experiencing such a large-scale tsunami. Moreover, the Golden Lion himself is not weak, possessing top-notch sword skills and devil fruit abilities, as well as powerful Haki.

So, Roger Pirates also suffered some casualties during their escape, and both sides can only be said to have equally suffered.

If it weren't for the timely arrival of the subsequent tsunami, Roger Pirates would have paid an even greater price. So, they are unlikely to be interested in actively seeking out other enemies now.

Arceus guessed correctly. Roger Pirates chose to dock on the other side of the island, which is a pirate tradition and an unwritten rule.

When both sides discover each other, the later one will dock on the other side, and the first one will not react. This means that neither side wants to provoke each other, and they can each just rest and leave after recuperating.

Arceus doesn't like meaningless conflicts, and Roger needs to rest. He has been suffering from an incurable disease for two years now, and it is only thanks to Crocus's medical skills that he can still continue to sail.

Although his fighting strength has not been affected, he can no longer fight continuously for long periods of time. After the battle with the Golden Lion, he and his crew need to rest.

One person on the ship has also undergone a change of heart, and that is Douglas Bullet. He joined Roger's crew because of Roger's strength.

However, after the Edd War, he began to doubt Roger's strength, or rather, the life of the Roger Pirates shook his heart.

After confirming that Roger had finished resting, he challenged him again. The fight didn't last long, and Bullet still couldn't defeat Roger. However, he left the Roger Pirates after that, and no one knows where he went.

"That guy Bullet... has left."

"If he wants to go, let him go. That guy is dangerous. It's better for him to leave early." Shanks and Buggy came to the town to replenish supplies. They fought the least during the previous fight and had the most energy left, so they took on this responsibility.

Although after their last unexpected encounter, Roger required them to be accompanied by an adult when they go out, but they are now already 12 years old, so Roger has relaxed his requirements for them.

At this moment, two people walked towards them, but after only a few steps, Buggy suddenly remembered something.

"Shanks, do you remember the girl from earlier?"

"What about her?"

"What about her? Did you forget about that devil fruit user that we met on that island four years ago?!" Buggy had slightly rougher mannerisms than Shanks, but his memory was excellent. He remembered very clearly when he got played around by Olga's ability a few years ago.

Especially since Olga's appearance had hardly changed over the years, so with just one glance earlier, Buggy remembered her immediately.

"Hmm, can't remember."

"You!" Buggy was so angry that his hands left his wrists and began to float. Not long ago, he accidentally ate the Chop-Chop Fruit, which turned him into a "land duck". To be precise, he swallowed the Chop-Chop Fruit and was lucky not to have choked to death.

"Alright, alright, I remember. So, what do you want to do?"

"She embarrassed us back then, of course, we have to take revenge properly."

"Wasn't that because we tried to rob the treasure map that time? Moreover she didn't do anything else, so let's forget it."

"I know, I just want to scare her a bit. Thanks to you, I am also a devil fruit user now." Buggy's tone suddenly became a little resentful here, and Shanks didn't know what to say.

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