I cannot comply with your order

Watching Shanks and Buggy still fighting each other, Olga dispelled the illusion affecting them.

"You two, stop fighting! Marines are coming, you should go back to the ship!"

Since there was no deep-seated animosity between the two sides, Olga had been holding back. The extent to which Shanks and Buggy would fight depend on their previous intentions. If their goal was to take her life, they would only be injured seriously in the ensuing chaos.

So, seeing that the fight between Buggy and Shanks was not too fierce, it indicates that they didn't have such malicious intentions. Therefore, Olga didn't need to take extreme measures.

The sound from afar calmed both Shanks and Buggy. Without a doubt, they had been tricked again, but the distant sound of cannon fire told them it was time to return to the ship.

"Hey, Shanks, don't tell Mr. Rayleigh and Captain Roger about this."


"Do you want to be grounded again? Not only were we tricked by someone, but it was also again done by the same person using the same method!"

"Buggy, I think what you said is right, but there is no need to say that to me."

"Hmm? Why?"

"Because I already know." Rayleigh's voice came from Buggy's other side. He had appeared next to them when they were running towards the Oro Jackson, but Buggy didn't notice.

"It seems like we still can't trust you two. In the future, someone should follow you both," said Rayleigh as he grabbed Shanks and Buggy, bringing them back to the Oro Jackson.

The ship had been repaired and was now operational again, and they were about to embark on a new journey because the most familiar person to the Roger Pirates had once again caught up with them.

"Roger! Surrender now, you have nowhere to run!" Standing at the front of the warship, Garp shouted and threw a cannonball towards the Oro Jackson. However, Gaban, who was wielding two axes, chopped it in half in mid-air. Although the cannonball was thrown by Garp, it was still just an ordinary one.

Seeing Shanks and Buggy return, Roger gave the command to set sail again. The Oro Jackson and the Marine' warship began their chase.

However, it was only one warship that chased after them. The other one did not have that intention, instead its cannons were aimed in the direction of the Genesis ship.

"Admiral Sengoku, shouldn't we go after Mr. Garp?"

"Don't worry about him, that guy gets uncontrollably excited every time he sees Roger, and it's difficult to hold him back. Let's deal with these pirates first before anything else."

Due to the intense battle on the Edd War Sea, Sengoku and Garp arrived together, imagining that they would face both Roger and the Golden Lion.

But when they arrived, they only saw broken shipwrecks. They had no idea where the Golden Lion or Roger had gone, which is why their ships had approached this place.

This is the closest island to that sea area and the best place to rest. It's highly likely they could encounter Roger or Golden Lion here.

Now it seems that Sengoku's guess was correct. They not only encountered Roger, but also the Genesis ship flying the flag of the Beasts Pirates. Although the Beasts Pirates were not their main target, since they had encountered them, there was no reason to ignore them.

Capturing pirates is a Marine's duty. After Garp went to pursue Roger, Sengoku commanded the personnel on the warship to attack the Genesis ship.

He did not see Kaido's figure on the ship, and Kaido has once again disappeared during this time. It has been a while since there has been any news of his drunken crimes in the New World.

Sengoku thought this was just an ordinary crew belonging to the Beasts Pirates, and it wouldn't take much time to capture them.

He made this mistake because the Genesis ship was flying both the Beasts Pirates' flag and Arceus' symbol, a pattern derived from Thousand Arms. Usually, only pirates affiliated with other major pirates would fly two different flags.

At the same time they launched his attack, the people on the Beasts Pirates' ship also recognized him.

"That's... Marine Headquarters' Admiral - Sengoku the Buddha!"

As the only Marine Admiral who has neither refused promotion nor retreated into the shadows at this stage, Sengoku has a distinctive reputation outside and is a real model worker of the Marines.

However, the Beasts Pirates' crew did not panic because Arceus was still on the ship.

"That annoying guy is here. Have all the people returned? Let's get ready to leave."

They have their own fixed territory and long-term plans. Arceus does not want to waste energy in pointless battles with the Marines.

Even if he killed a Marine Admiral, he wouldn't get anything except for being sensationalized by Morgan and being regarded as a thorn in the eyes of both the World Government and Marines.

Marine Admirals are top-tier military strength, but the World Government has hundreds of allied countries as a base and controls the entire Red Line. World Government has abundant manpower resources and can easily fill the position of an Admiral if needed.

After the Summit War, they didn't even have to wait to fill the vacancy of the Admiral, and used the World Military Draft to fill the vacancy.

He is not interested in useless reputation. If he really kills a Marine Admiral, the Beasts Pirates' territory will suffer a severe blow, both in terms of future deterrence or Marine's own reputation. Additionally, the painstakingly established intelligence network will also be in vain.

Admirals are an important cornerstone of the Marines, but losing one won't cause a serious loss, unless there is a bigger move. So, Arceus doesn't want to do meaningless things.

That's why when he faced Zephyr earlier, he trapped the opponent in Fire Spin and left directly. Now, he is applying the same principle.

Besides, there are a bunch of kids on his ship.

"Except for Olga and Elizabeth. Oh, they're back too, so our people are all here."


The Genesis raised its sail and was planning to leave, but just because they wanted to go didn't mean the Marines agreed. Dense shells formed a blockade, blocking Genesis ship's path.

Not wanting to fight doesn't mean he won't fight back. The Genesis ship was naturally equipped with heavy artillery made by the Beasts Pirates that were comparable in range and power to Marine warship's cannons. Thus, an artillery battle erupted out on the sea.

Although his Magnet Rise could lift the ship in the air along with him, the speed was not much different from that of a sitting duck.

"You go ahead, I'll catch up in a moment." It just so happens that he also wanted to see just how powerful the Admiral of Marine Headquarters is.

Under Arceus' order, the Genesis withdrew towards the distance first, and everyone except Zeraora obeyed this order.

"Zeraora, didn't you hear my order?"

"Forgive me, my lord, but I cannot comply with your order. If just anyone can come attack you, it would be an insult to me."

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