What does your business deal with Orochi have to do with Beasts Pirates?

CP0, officially known as Cipher Pol Aigis Zero, is regarded as the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons, ensuring their safety. The selection process for CP0 members is extremely rigorous, demanding both loyalty and strength.

Loyalty goes without saying, and when it comes to strength, they must possess it in order to protect the Celestial Dragons. Although Celestial Dragons hold noble status, and attacking them comes with significant consequences, that still doesn't deter those who desire to take their life.

Due to the Celestial Dragons, countless families have been ruined. When one loses everything, threats become inconsequential. Moreover, the Celestial Dragons themselves are not honest individuals and often appear in various places. As a result, the World Government must always be prepared with security plans.

That is why most CP0 members have to wear masks when they go out. On one hand, it is necessary for espionage operations, and on the other hand, it prevents them from being easily identified.

To divert the conflicts, World Government chooses to exploit non-allied kingdom members and utilizes pirates to attract anger. Under this peculiar management approach, the number of pirates in the sea continues to rise. Although the true era of great pirate has yet to arrive, the turmoil on the seas was increasing day by day.

Among them, there are numerous powerful devil fruit users. In such circumstances, Sea Stone products have become essential commodities. However, Sea Stone is scarce outside of Wano Country.

Ever since the Kozuki family sealed off Wano Country countless years ago, Wano's products no longer flowed outside. Many of the Sea Stone handcuffs found outside are centuries-old antiques.

Back then, due to Wano Country's terrain, domestic strength, and various unknown reasons, the World Government did not intervene. The cost of doing so would have been too great, so Wano Country entered a long period of isolation.

Not long ago, Kurozumi Orochi's people made contact with the World Government and proposed a stable Sea Stone trade. World Government did not reject this proposal and thus dispatched a member of CP0 as their representative to Wano Country.

Just a few minutes ago, this agent was engaged in a friendly conversation with Orochi.

It must be said that Orochi excels at taking advantage of another's prestige. He successfully utilized Kaido's current reputation. Initially, the World Government didn't take any action, but times have changed now.

If Wano Country were to become weak, the World Government might seize the opportunity to gain control and have a monopoly on Sea Stone's production.

This is one of the tasks assigned to the special agent—to observe the affairs of Wano Country.

Therefore, Kurozumi Orochi emphasized his close ties with Kaido, leveraging Kaido's strength to elevate his own negotiation position. It was only at this point that news of the Beasts Pirates' headquarters being in Wano Country reached the World Government.

Wano Country was extremely closed off before. Even if they wanted to investigate, they would only discover the Beasts Pirates in the waters near Wano Country. They had no idea that Kaido had already reached an agreement with Kurozumi Orochi.

If he had left at that point, perhaps this wouldn't have happened. However, he didn't. Instead, he started wandering around Wano Country.

That's when he happened to bump into Shayna. And he truly fell for Kurozumi Orochi's deception, believing that the Beasts Pirates and Orochi were closely connected.

Patience and deception were among Orochi's few abilities. He could patiently endure and allow others to step on him like a stepping stone in the sewage.

"Someone from the World Government?"

"Woman, it's none of your business." Normally, the CP0 members either stuck close to the Celestial Dragons or acted as representatives of the World Government, executing their orders. Therefore, they often felt an indescribable sense of superiority.

He believed he was here to negotiate a deal with Kurozumi Orochi. And according to Orochi's words, he and Kaido were allies. So, as a representative of the World Government, he considered himself on equal footing with Kaido and Orochi.

Therefore, there was a hint of disdain towards the officers under the Beasts Pirates. After all, in the eyes of the World Government, she was also Kaido's officer.

"Still the same expression. You World Government's lapdogs never learn to look people in the eye."

It was the same as before. The CP0 had barged into their secluded village and started massacring without a second thought. But now, the biggest change was that she wasn't an ordinary girl anymore.

The term "lapdog" seemed to have touched a nerve, but before he could say anything, he was greeted by a flaming fist.

"But it doesn't matter. Since you dare to appear here, you must be prepared to die."

The punch was merely an appetizer. At least seventy percent of Shayna's strength was concentrated in her legs. The CP0 member was slightly taller than her, but it didn't make a difference.

She exerted force with her left leg, stomping on the ground, causing the bricks beneath her to shatter. Simultaneously, her wings trembled behind her as she kicked her right knee directly at his chin.

The CP0 member was clearly taken aback, never expecting Shayna to attack directly. This resulted in Shayna's knee slamming ruthlessly into his chin.

Then, intense flames erupted from her wrist, enveloping her entire arm in the blink of an eye. She also swung it fiercely toward his head. It was a combination of a flying knee kick and a flaming punch. Suddenly struck from below the chin, he briefly blacked out.

Immediately after that, his face was struck by a flaming fist, sending him flying. He crashed directly into the place where Orochi had imprisoned rebels, and the fence made of pikes outside dealt him a second blow.

The guards who were originally stationed there scattered in all directions, having no idea what had just happened. Just as they had fled, a wave of flames engulfed the area. The intense heat evaporated the moisture present in the soil, instantly drying up the previously wet ground from the recent rainfall.

However, he was still a CP0 member after all. He didn't lose his fighting ability so easily. But he did sense that something was wrong. Shayna's intention with those two attacks was to take his life.

Seeing the deadly flames, he managed to dodge them. When he got up again, his clothes were covered in dirt, and he no longer held the same arrogance as before.

"Wait, I have reached a business deal with Kurozumi Orochi."

"What does your business deal with Kurozumi Orochi have to do with me?"

He initially thought there was some misunderstanding, but when he mentioned Kurozumi Orochi's name, the other person's attacks became even more fierce. He narrowly avoided a kick and was about to counterattack when he was kicked from behind, sending him flying.

"Shayna, what's going on?"

"It's CP0, World Government's agent. Do I need any other reason?"

"Indeed, you don't." Suddenly, a row of rocky spikes emerged from the ground, while a flame vortex sealed off his escape route.

The one who had appeared was King. He had originally intended to go to the Red-Light District to deliver something, but he happened to come across this situation here. He and Shayna understood each other without the need for words. Stone Edge and Fire Spin instantly formed a combination attack.

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