Confused Queen

There are many members in MADS, but only two of them have been incorporated and extensively utilized by the World Government. One is Vegapunk, acclaimed as leading the technological advancements of the world by 500 years and the unquestionable leader of SSG.

Currently ranking second in the SSG is Ceasar Clown, who was also a member of MADS. Initially, there was some disdain among the members towards each other.

Even though Vegapunk is hailed as the world's number one, they don't consider themselves inferior to him. In fact, they believe they are even more superior in their respective special fields.

"That stupid p*g Queen made further progress in deciphering the Lineage Factor? Impossible!"

One of the main reasons MADS was forcibly incorporated by the World Government was due to their discovery of the Lineage Factor, and many individuals had their own research directions in this regard.

After being incorporated, Vegapunk created the first artificial Devil Fruit based on Kaido's Lineage Factor. However, it was rumored to be a failure, and Vegapunk did not continue his research in that area.

Currently, he is researching the transmission condition of Devil Fruits and how to make inanimate objects consume them.

Ceasar, on the other hand, has not given up on his research in this area. He believes there is great potential in it.

The three subjects of his research are Artificial Devil Fruits, human gigantification, and large-scale weapons of mass destruction. However, his main focus is currently on the last one- weapon.

This is because World Government places the greatest importance on it, and the first two subjects were both extremely challenging.

There is also a chain of contempt within MADS. Queen looks down on Judge, and Ceasar somewhat looks down on Queen. He acknowledges that he can't compare to Vegapunk, but he refuses to accept that Queen has achieved success in his field of research before him.

[Queen seems to have deciphered Lineage Factor and achieved some success.]

"How could that guy be ahead of me? Impossible, this can't be true!" he exclaimed while continuing to flip through the data that had been sent to him.

The self-proclaimed "genius scientist" Ceasar Clown is an extremely deranged individual. In his pursuit of research, he is willing to do all kinds of things. Arrogant, cunning, treacherous; numerous adjectives can be used to describe him.

However, he dares not show off too much in front of Queen because he bullies the weak and fears the strong, and is a coward. Back then, he was very cautious when facing Queen, who possessed greater strength than him.

"The power of lightning, electromagnetic cannon, human modification weapon. This ba*tard, just like Judge, has chosen such applications. No, it's not quite the same, there are differences."

Although he has a despicable personality, Ceasar himself is quite capable. According to this report, Queen should have created special war weapons using the Lineage Factor and human modification technology.

The source of the Lineage Factor is likely Kaido because most of the abilities discovered in the Beasts Pirates were related to fire and lightning, which are abilities that Kaido's Azure Dragon fruit can use.

However, this report is not meant to discuss that. Its purpose is to prompt the SSG to expedite a plan, namely the War Weapons Plan.

The reason Queen was not incorporated is not solely due to his wishes and character. As long as his research serves the World Government, even if it is cruel, they can overlook it.

One reason Queen was not incorporated is because the World Government believes his skills do not measure up to Ceasar Clown and Vegapunk.

They don't believe they were mistaken in their judgment, so whatever Queen can accomplish, Vegapunk and Ceasar can surely do as well.

They initially had a plan for war weapons, but it had been put on hold due to the difficulties of implementation. However, this time, it has been brought forward.

Thus, SSG initiated research on Project No. 184, codenamed "Pacifista."

Due to Vegapunk being occupied with research on a project, the task was temporarily assigned to Ceasar.

At the same time, CP0 stopped contacting Kaido temporarily as they were analyzing his true interests. World Government needed the business deal, but they couldn't allow themselves to be manipulated like obedient lapdogs.

They have determined that the Beasts Pirates' goal was not to completely cut off trade since related items could still be obtained in the black market. In the eyes of the World Government, they simply wanted to extort a higher price.

As a result, Wano Country entered a period of relative calm once again. Even Omanyte had some free time as the frequency of phone calls significantly decreased after the initial storm.

Only one person felt puzzled, and that was Queen. He looked at his wanted poster, questioning his life.

As such he didn't even notice when Shayna had approached him. This would have been absolutely impossible in the past as he had long formed a passive, which would trigger an early warning whenever Shayna got close to him.

But this time, even the early warning mechanism was paralyzed, indicating the significant impact this matter had on him.

"Queen, Queen? Queen! Ba*tard, do you want me to resort to violence?" After all these years, she now wouldn't randomly beat up Queen for no reason, at least not when they meet normally.

She came to collect Omanyte's eavesdropping records. If there were no urgent messages, she would usually collect the regular messages every one or two days.

Shayna didn't know where they were kept, but since Queen ignored her when she spoke normally, she had no choice but to resort to a more traditional method.

It turns out that pain is more effective at capturing someone's attention than sound.

"Can't you be a bit gentler, woman?"

"Huh? I tried talking nicely to you, and you ignored me. Can I be blamed for that? Anyway, what are you daydreaming about?"

"Look at this."

Queen handed his wanted poster to Shayna, but she didn't find anything special about it.

"Why are you so fascinated with your own face? Is the mirror not enough for you?"

"That's not the point. The point is here: 'only alive.' What the hell did I do? Why does my wanted poster change every few days? What the hell is going on in the heads of the World Government's people?"

Last time, he was just obediently cultivating berries, but his bounty suddenly skyrocketed to 440.44 million, making him the officer with the highest bounty below Kaido and Arceus.

This time, he didn't do anything either. He only left Wano Country once, and yet his bounty changed again. Although the price didn't increase, this "only alive" condition was more severe than increasing the price.

This is also a new consideration by the World Government. Although the Analysis Branch believed their analysis couldn't be wrong, the current situation was extremely strange. If they had truly underestimated Queen's technological prowess, it would be a great loss for the World Government.

Changing wanted poster is a simple matter, requiring little effort, so Queen ended up with a new bounty.

However, World Government's investigation into the Beasts Pirates did not stop there. They have too many secrets, so investigating the Beasts Pirates became an exclusive task for the CP0's team because they have the most contact with them, and comparatively more familiar with them.

[TN: Hey everyone, please vote and review so that my novel's reach can increase.

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