
"Beasts Pirates!"

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi have been sailing with Kozuki Oden for years, leaving their mark on both Whitebeard's and Roger's ship.

Although news from Wano Country doesn't reach the outside world, Beasts Pirates have already gained considerable fame in the outside world.

Compared to the legendary crews like the Whitebeard Pirates and Flying Pirates, they may lack considerable depth, but they are still a force that cannot be ignored.

They had naturally heard of the Beasts Pirates' reputation, but they never expected to find them in Wano Country. While encountering pirates in other countries is not strange, and is even common, it is quite surprising within the closed borders of Wano Country.

Even Raizo and others, who had never left the country before, knew about the Beasts Pirates. This indicated that the Beasts Pirates had been staying here for a while.

Pirates don't stay in a country for an extended period without reason. The fact that this is happening in Wano Country can only mean one thing: the Beasts Pirates consider this place their territory.

For Oden's retainers, Kozuki Oden was the rightful heir to the position of the shogun of Wano Country. Therefore, the actions of the Beasts Pirates undoubtedly meant they were enemies of Kozuki Oden.

"Setsuna, did you really join the Beasts Pirates?"

Inuarashi didn't see the pirate flag's symbol on her, so he still held a glimmer of hope. They, the retainers of Oden, harbored a foolishly loyal mindset.

According to the original timeline, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi would pass the throne to Carrot after Kaido's defeat, as they consider their lord's country to be far more important than their own.

The issue of the symbol was a result of misinformation. Beasts Pirates' symbol, represented by Kaido's skull flag, is not the only symbol representing their identity. The symbol of Arceus' Thousand Arms also carries the same meaning.

Setsuna, Zeraora, and Shayna had the Thousand Arms' symbol on their clothing.

Similar situations have existed before. Within the Whitebeard Pirates, there is also a common practice of using a crescent moon-shaped cross as a symbol of the Whitebeard Pirates' identity. However, it is quite rare to have two symbols representing two individuals, like the case with the Beasts Pirates.

Inuarashi, who has no knowledge of the Beasts Pirates, hoped it was a misunderstanding, but he was disappointed.

"Yes, it's true. It's been almost five years, probably a few months after leaving Zou Island. After you two sneaked out, Duke Hitsugisukan got really angry. I waited for two years before finding an opportunity to escape, and then..."

"Have you forgotten about the alliance between Zou Island and Wano Country?"

She originally intended to share her experiences of the past two years with the two, but Nekomamushi interrupted her.

"You're still as annoying as ever, you stinky cat. It's not a good habit to interrupt others."

Her relationship with Nekomamushi was not bad before, but they used to frequently quarrel. Inuarashi usually acted as a mediator between them.

But now, right from the start, he spoke to her with a tone as if she had committed some grave mistake. It made her feel displeased, so she immediately retorted.

"If you're talking about that so-called ancient alliance, what difference does it make if I know about it or not?"

"What difference? Meow, we have an alliance with the Kozuki family. You joining them in plundering this place means you're breaking that alliance!"

"Firstly, I remember it's an alliance between Mokomo Dukedom and Wano Country, not an alliance between individuals. Secondly, we came here to develop this place, and not to plunder! Don't put that label on me the moment you arrived here!"

Most residents of Zou Island had heard of this alliance, but it was between countries, and had limited influence on individuals. Many people on Zou Island considered the alliance to be nothing more than a legend.

One has closed themselves off, and the other had little interaction with the outside world due to living on the back of a giant elephant. Zou Island and Wano Country had not been in contact for hundreds of years, so Setsuna didn't really care too much about it.

Nekomamushi's attitude of treating it as some imperial edict and standing on a moral high ground to condemn her made her extremely displeased.

The joy of their reunion was shattered almost instantly, and they even looked like they will start fighting each other, but as always, Inuarashi intervened.

"You two, that's enough!"

"It was this stinky cat who started it."

"Who allowed you to join those Beasts Pirates?"

"Do I need to report to you wherever I go? Do you think you're the Duke of Zou Island? Even Duke Hitsugisukan wouldn't interfere in others' decisions!"

Their argument kept escalating, but Kozuki Toki's cough interrupted them. She had returned to the country due to illness and had not fully recovered yet. She was not feeling well due to being exposed to the sea breeze for so long.

"Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, let's take Lady Toki and the young master and miss back first."

Since Setsuna was a member of the Beasts Pirates, Oden's retainers had nothing to say to her. They escorted Kozuki Toki and left the place.

Kozuki Toki, in order to allow Kozuki Oden to do what he wanted, had been enduring it all along. At this moment, her mind was clouded from the burning sensation, so she didn't intervene in what was happening here.

Facing their kin and comrades, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi chose their comrades. They had already left this place, and it wouldn't be right for them to stay any longer. Moreover, if they continued to stay, Setsuna and Nekomamushi might end up fighting.

"Sorry, Setsuna, let's talk another day." With that, Inuarashi pulled Nekomamushi away and left.

In the evening, Setsuna returned to Paradise Farm, feeling gloomy. She was initially quite happy to see her former companions, but the outcome left her feeling angry.

As this farm was located in Kuri, she was still a bit uneasy leaving it unguarded. Babanuki and Mandrell were among the most outstanding members among the ordinary officers. Not every member of the Beasts Pirates in Wano Country has that level of skill.

Babanuki was currently guarding the mining site, while Mandrell was exploring the underwater ruin. So the farm was entrusted to Zeraora, who could also keep track of Miltank's condition in a timely manner. Pokémon's language was universal, after all.

Zeraora moved to this place, and Setsuna naturally followed him. When Setsuna returned, Zeraora had just finished today's training.

"What's wrong? Didn't you encounter acquaintances? Why didn't you bring them over? Did you have a quarrel?"

"It's because of Nekomamushi. That guy is really unreasonable. Cat Minks are truly the most detestable creatures. Ah, no, I didn't mean you, Zeraora. I meant that stinky cat, Nekomamushi."

Nekomamushi's words made her extremely angry, to the point that she forgot Zeraora was also a member of the cat family. After explaining herself, she immediately ran back to her house and took out her diary.

[October 17, Year 1496

It's all that ba*tard Nekomamushi's fault. He made me look bad in front of Zeraora. I'll remember this grudge.]

[TN: Hey everyone, please vote and review. If there are 100 power stones and 10 reviews by the end of this week, I will release 1 extra chapter, and 2 extra chapter for 200 power stones and 20 reviews.]