One Piece World's Mothers are always a Mystery (Except for Big Mom)

"Then, who is my mother?"

Compared to the small issue of how to address him, this question was a bit more difficult to answer. After all, Kaido has remained tight-lipped about Yamato's biological mother, even when drunk.

Referring to him as "mother" is just because of the accidental result of his speaking habit, but asking him about his biological mother is truly putting Arceus in a dilemma.

"Maria has Aunt Riko with her. Don't I have a mother?"

"How is that possible? Your mother just couldn't be with you due to some circumstances. When you grow up, you ask Kaido about it."

This is a question that only her own father can answer, and he is helpless in this regard.

"Besides, even if your mother isn't around, we are here with you. Look at Jack, he doesn't even know who his parents are, but he's doing just fine."

Although Jack didn't inherit Kaido's bloodline like Yamato, his Fish-Man's bloodline has caused him to become increasingly powerful, and now he has even started swimming.

For Fish-Men, swimming is easier than walking, which has led to Mandrell having a little lackey. Although Jack isn't of much help, having someone to talk to in the dark depths of the sea makes the everyday exploration less boring.

Children often have short-lived interests, and under Arceus' words, she no longer dwelled on this issue.

Afterward, she was taken back to play by four Chansey. If Chansey's language can be considered a foreign language, then the current Yamato has roughly grasped a foreign language.

Pokémon language is universal, but that's from the perspective of Pokémon themselves. They, like Den Den Mushi, can understand the special wavelengths within their language, so only a few Chansey can understand Yamato's Chansey language.

However, it's not really necessary because Pokémon can understand human speech.

The advantage of this peculiar language is that it allows her to better understand what Chansey is saying.

And it is also straightforward encrypted communication.

She has been growing rapidly lately, already reaching over one meter tall. It's likely that in another year or two, Chansey won't be able to carry her anymore. Jack is in the same situation; his Fish-Man physique has made him almost as tall as the Chansey.

They haven't been able to carry him in their arms for a while now. Whether it's due to good nutrition or the inherent characteristics of grouper Fish-Men, his physique was rather smooth and plump. Before developing muscles, he looked somewhat, hmm...ugly-cute. That's probably the best way to describe his strange appearance.

After playing around crazily for a while, Yamato was brought back to the bedroom by Chansey. Two of the Chansey were exhausted from keeping up with her. A human toddler could completely exhaust the stamina of a Pokémon. In this aspect, she can truly be called exceptionally gifted.

Then, Arceus arrived at the roof of Onigashima from where most of Wano Country could be seen. Wano Country looked quiet and deserted under the night sky, with only a few sporadic places still bright.

Among them was the Flower Capital, which, under the illumination of candlelight and lanterns, appeared to be a city that never sleeps. It was the only prosperous area under Orochi's rule, a very unique kind of prosperity.

Under his reckless pursuit of development, some merchants in the Flower Capital did indeed make a lot of money, but at the cost of more families going bankrupt. They were essentially sucking the blood of the common people of Wano Country to sustain themselves.

This resulted in severe class division both inside and outside the Flower Capital, with the poor becoming poorer and the rich becoming richer.

Apart from the Flower Capital, only the Udon region and parts of Hakumai had some lights visible. These two areas were the most developed by the Beasts Pirates.

Then his gaze turned towards the distant region of Kibi. Thanks to Kurozumi Orochi, the number of displaced civilians within Wano Country had been steadily increasing, and those individuals were being gathered together by the Beasts Pirates through the assistance of Kojiro's merchant guild.

With manpower reaching a similar level, the vast wasteland of Kibi was also on the verge of being utilized.

A black shadow flew across the night sky before Kaido appeared from out of nowhere.

"You're still looking at this boring night view."

"What else is there to do? By the way, Yamato asked again today about who her biological mother is. Although I managed to dodge the question for now, children have a way of remembering things. Do you still want to keep it a secret?"

"Worororo. Has she reached that age already? Children under their mother's protection never grow up. If she asks you again, tell her that I'll reveal the answer when she can defeat me. But aren't you spoiling her too much?"

"You think so? I don't think I am."

"Of course. In a year, it will be time to start her training, and you better not become softhearted or hold back at that time."

In a sense, from stamina to martial arts, from techniques to Haki, Kaido had the complete training planned.

Arceus had seen that training plan, and it was deadly for ordinary people, but Kaido believed that Yamato could endure it.

"I know, after all, strength is crucial in this world. What about the World Government?"

Doting on someone doesn't mean indulging them. This is not an ordinary world, and a girl with just a pretty face cannot survive in the outside world.

"They still want Seastone, and it's almost certain that they have what you want. But they are still negotiating, and I haven't eavesdropped on the details."

Aside from raising a child, finding the plates was still of utmost importance. He truly despised the current World Government, but if they really had something crucial, it wouldn't hurt to obtain it first.

In any case, when the time comes, they would know the consequences of helping their enemy.

"Other than that, there's nothing much else. But that guy Roger has been quite active lately. He's been making newspaper headlines for a while now. It seems like he has discovered something new."

It wasn't the first time that Roger Pirates had sailed the Grand Line, and they had already reached the supposed end of the Grand Line - Lodestar Island.

But that island wasn't particularly challenging. As long as you follow Log Pose's signal, finding it wasn't difficult. The real challenge lies in reaching Laugh Tale.

"It is said that the Road Poneglyphs hides the real secret. Big Mom has one, but we don't know where the rest are."

"There is one below Wano Country, Setsuna said there is one on Zou Island, and as for the remaining one, I don't know."

Originally, Kaido just casually mentioned it, not expecting Arceus to know such information. After all, he hadn't even found all his own plates yet. But Arceus directly gave him information about the two of them, and his tone was quite strange.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?"

"Say? It was clearly written in the information King and others gathered. Tell me, how long has it been since you looked at those things? You're quite confident being a hands-off boss."

[TN: Hey everyone, please vote and review. If there are 100 power stones and 10 reviews by the end of this week, I will release 1 extra chapter, and 2 extra chapter for 200 power stones and 20 reviews.]