Hyogoro and Millennial Dragons herding "cotton"

"I remember Kojiro's report mentioning him, and they had some contact as well."

"Yes, according to our intelligence, Hyogoro is very disgusted with Kurozumi Orochi's actions, while he appreciates Kojiro's previous recruitment of the refugees. He sees Kojiro as a merchant with a sense of "chivalry."

"But those thugs still laid their hands on Kojiro."

"After all, not everyone obeys him. However, according to the intelligence from the Red-Light District, it seems he is also searching for the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Lord Sacred Beast, the situation in Wano Country is completely different from the outside. Sometimes we can't understand what they're thinking."

Hyogoro's current attitude is neutral. Kojiro is backed by Beasts Pirates, and the influential people of Wano Country are aware of this.

Hyogoro, like most of the people, has not fully accepted the existence of the Beasts Pirates. However, he still assisted Kojiro's guild when it came to resettle the refugees who were displaced due to Kurozumi Orochi.

So, for the time being, he is categorized by the Beasts Pirates as someone who can be interacted with.

"After some time, let Kojiro test his stance. As for now, let's rearrange the public security in the Flower Capital before the execution. The mines also need additional manpower."

So, the thugs who had just emerged were once again purged by the Beasts Pirates and sent to the mines to begin their labor reform life, and Kurozumi Orochi also received this news.

"A public execution?"

"Yes, Orochi-sama, Beasts Pirates have already sent those two individuals here. They attempted to assassinate Kojiro a few days ago, who had joined the Beasts Pirates, and also planned to commit arson, but they were unsuccessful."

"What a pity," Kurozumi Orochi sighed. He was disappointed that they failed, but these two were not arranged by him, because among all the people in Wano Country, he knows the terror of Kaido the best.

He is satisfied with the current situation. Although it is not entirely to his liking, he has achieved some of his goals in certain aspects. So, he doesn't want to provoke the wrath of the Beasts Pirates.

"Lord, what should we do?"

"Same as always, follow their instructions and speak the truth." It's not that he didn't want to embellish or exaggerate, but simply because he doesn't have the opportunity to do so.

Although he was entrusted with this task, he knew very well that the Beasts Pirates would definitely keep an eye on him. In places that could potentially affect their reputation, Beasts Pirates have always maintained strict surveillance.

After the person left, Orochi spoke to the person behind him, "Fukurokuju, is that news confirmed?"

Fukurokuju, the leader of Orochi Oniwabanshu i.e. the captain of his personal guards, possesses considerable strength and is a skilled ninja. He has long earlobes, which serve as his unique weapon.

His skull is also elongated, but these changes in his body are due to anger. He had a younger sister, Fukumi, who was weak and sickly. Because she uttered Raizo's name before she died, Fukurokuju viewed Raizo as the culprit, and since then, his earlobes and skull have grown longer.

He harbors an intense dislike for Raizo and is extremely loyal to Orochi. Given that Kurozumi Higurashi and Kurozumi Semimaru are quite old, Orochi entrusts Fukurokuju with many tasks and responsibilities.

"It's confirmed, Orochi-sama. Kozuki Oden has already sent his family back to Wano Country, and they are currently in Oden Castle in Kuri."

"Great, you personally take care of this matter, and when necessary, you can contact me. We also have a hidden asset that can be deployed if necessary."

In the end, all those involved in the assassination attempt on Kojiro were executed under the live broadcast of Smart Tanishi. The charges were murder and attempted arson.

To the ordinary people, these were just a group of criminals, but some individuals were so frightened by this that a few subordinates had to be dealt with in secret.

They are the true mastermind behind the scenes. When they couldn't compete with the other party in business, they came up with such a deceitful scheme. Now they are worried about being discovered, which is why they are resorting to such actions.

To Oden's retainers in Kuri, these actions were synonymous with the brutality of the Beasts Pirates.

To Beasts Pirates, these people were dangerous individuals who tried to assassinate one of their own. But from their perspective, these people tried to rebel against the Beasts Pirates, albeit unsuccessfully.

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi never revealed what happened back then, and because their appearance and intellect can't provide any assistance, they are practically useless besides adding a few extra mouths in Oden Castle.

The most profitable business in Wano Country is in the hands of Kurozumi Orochi and the Beasts Pirates. They are unwilling to engage in that kind of business, so they can only live in poverty.

However, they are truly capable of being ruthless. By being frugal, they managed to shield Kozuki Toki and the others from experiencing the reality of poverty.

As for how they're living, the Beasts Pirates don't care. Nekomamushi personally sent away the only person who could have helped them.

At this moment, Arceus was planning a new sailing route.

In addition to the things already arranged internally, Beast Pirates herders have also started to appear in the Kibi region. However, what they are releasing is not Tauros or Miltank, but Jumpluff and Whimsicott.

Clothing, food, shelter, and transportation, in these basic necessities of life, they are not getting involved with shelter and transportation. However, they have started expanding their business in the clothing aspect.

The original plan for Kibi region was to transform it into farmland, but the soil here has been neglected for a long time. Although they used the power of the Splash Plate to organize the underground water channels, it will take some time for prosperity to return.

In line with the principle of not wasting, a batch of new Pokémon appeared here. New Pokémons were created using the Meadow Plate and their purpose is cotton.

Whether it's Jumpluff or Whimsicott, their hair is high-quality cotton, perfect for woven fabric or using as stuffing. This also provided some work for the people gathered by Kojiro's guild.

Men can work in factories or on farms, but it's not the same for women. Some physical tasks are simply not suitable for them.

They can't all be sent to the Red-Light District, right? Moreover, that kind of work doesn't align with their current style either.

Some of them were sent to Onigashima to take care of laundry, but there were still many remaining. They couldn't just keep supporting them for nothing, so they found them this new job.

They comb the hair of Whimsicott and Jumpluff, cut their hair, and process the collected 'hair.'

Moreover, due to their characteristics, they tend to drift with the wind when it blows. Among them, Jumpluff releases spores, and when these spores scatter and land on the ground, new plants will grow from them.

To control their drifting direction, the Millennial Dragons also have their own job. At this moment, Olga was riding on a Millennial Dragon, carrying out the special herding work.

"There, there! A few of them are about to fly away. Quickly, blow them back!"

Several Millennial Dragons with the appearance of Archeops flapped their wings together, creating air currents that gathered those drifting Whimsicott and Jumpluff back together."

[TN: Hey everyone, please vote and review. If there are 100 power stones by the end of this week, I will release 1 extra chapter, and 2 extra chapter for 200 power stones and 20 reviews.]


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