Wild boars will never be slaves unless they are provided with food and a place to live

When Arceus arrived, the Mountain God was already lying flat. In its illusion, it thought it had returned to the deep mountains, while the little boar was still digesting the seeds produced by Eldegoss.

The first thing that Arceus did after arriving was to send away the surrounding Whimsicott. They had more courage than other Pokémon and were directly crowding around its feet, making it almost impossible for him to move.

"Alright, everyone go back to your rooms. Be careful not to get blown away."

After sending back those Whimsicott, Arceus continued to look at the enormous wild boar.

There were some charred scars on its back, marks left by the previous rocket bombardment. But for the boar, they were merely superficial wounds, and they had already healed naturally over this period of time.

Not long ago, a bold Whimsicott had been playing near its nose and almost got blown away by a gust of air.

"Kojiro, when did this wild boar start being called the Mountain God?"

This time, Arceus brought along Kojiro, who is a local resident, as there were some things only the locals were familiar with.

"I heard this legend from my grandfather when I was a child. Anyway, it has been a long time, and no one knows exactly how long this boar has lived. Last time, it destroyed quite a few houses."

"Even then they consider this pig as the Mountain God?"

"Yes, Lord Arceus. Because this wild boar has no natural enemies in Wano Country, most people believe it to be a divine spirit born from the mountains of Wano Country itself. If we can tame it, then in the eyes of ordinary people, it would mean that the will of these mountains has recognized us."

Controllable beliefs are advantageous for the ruling class to maintain their rule, and since this Mountain God doesn't usually leave the deep mountains, they have allowed it to survive there without interference..

"Very well, Olga, dispel the illusion."


She snapped her fingers. It was not a necessary action to dispel the illusion, but to indicate to those around that she had already done so. However, in the eyes of the Mountain God, everything turned to ashes.

But before it could react, it felt a terrifying pressure coming from the side. Its legs, which were lying on the ground, went weak, and it couldn't stand up.

After it had grown to this size, it had only experienced this kind of fear once before. The man with the dual blades last time had made it feel terror, but compared to this time, that man was nothing at all.

"Don't be afraid. This is your child, and it's perfectly fine. Besides, it has eaten quite a lot of our goods."

Two vines were coiled around the little boar as he placed it next to the Mountain God.

"The loss of goods would cause us losses, so now I'll give you two options: surrender or get beaten until you surrender. Which one do you choose?"

Arceus had set his sights on the symbolic significance of this boar in Wano Country. After all, taming the Mountain God would be a magnificent feat, and when the time comes, he could hand it over to Kojiro, and through organizing events, they should be able to resolve much of the resistance from the people.

Moreover, even if it only charges recklessly, its size alone can cause significant destruction. If he modifies this boar, it can be transformed into a ready-made weapon of war with its imposing physique.

It would be ineffective against strong opponents, but on future battlefields, it would be a formidable killing machine.

However, this matter wasn't urgent and could be postponed. After all, there were no major battles at the moment.

Although it would require a lot of food, the waste produced daily could also be turned into a considerable amount of fertilizer. All in all, it was still quite cost-effective.

Facing an immensely powerful individual, it is normal for animals to choose submission. The Mountain God had no interest in getting beaten up. Few years ago, that person was able to cut it in half, and now this even more terrifying individual could probably roast it like a suckling pig.

However, it asked a crucial question that was important for a boar.

"Will you provide food?"

In the end, the Mountain God surrendered to the Beasts Pirates, with the condition that they would be responsible for its food in the future. It was then assigned to Kojiro, and with this wild boar and the addition of Growlithe, Kojiro's safety was more or less assured.

During the training over the next few days, King believed that Kojiro had some talent in swordsmanship. However, due to a lack of rigorous training from an early age, that talent had been wasted. Even if he were to pick it up now, he wouldn't be able to reach the level he could have reached originally.

But Kojiro didn't regret it. He was already satisfied with his current situation.

A few days later, when he returned near the Flower Capital riding on the giant wild boar, it caused quite a commotion among the local people. Many thought that the wild boar was going berserk again.

But once they discovered the truth, just as Kojiro had anticipated, more people accepted his business guild. Even some stubborn old folks who had resisted foreign products changed their mindset, believing that it was the will of the gods.

Taking advantage of this, Kojiro organized an event where people could gather juice bottle caps to exchange for prizes. If they collected all the types of bottle caps, they could exchange them here for a reward of 100 gold.

The purpose of the event was for advertising, and the rewards were indeed redeemable. However, it was impossible to collect all the bottle caps in a short time. It wasn't because he hadn't produced them, but because the rarest two bottle caps were in his own possession.

He wouldn't release those two bottle caps until the event achieved the desired effect.

On the other hand, next to Udon's factory, Queen arrived alone.

It was already late at night, and even the factory had stopped work. There weren't enough people willing to work at the factory for three shifts, so at this time, there were no workers inside.

Queen made his way to the vicinity of the drainage pipeline.

"My cuties, are you there? I'm here again."

At his call, a colorful mass of mud gradually gathered from the cracks in the ground, and several Alolan Muk crawled out in response to his voice.


"I brought something for you." Saying that, he opened two boxes, one containing the bitter-tasting Pokémon Poffin, while the other box contained toxic waste produced during his experiments.

Ever since they acquired Muk, these waste materials have become feed for the Muk. Queen has also become the member with the closest relationship to these Muk among the Beasts Pirates.

The poison crystals produced by Alolan Muk were exactly what he desired. They were complex poisons he had never encountered before, and he had already found dozens of poisons that he doesn't recognise, giving him more options for his Plague Bullets.

Watching Muk happily devouring their food, Queen took out a large syringe, but it didn't have a needle.

"I still need some research materials. Who's volunteering this time?"

His target was the secretions inside Muk's body. In addition to the poison crystals, Muk's secretions also contained some unknown viruses, which were also part of his research.

Since Alolan Muk didn't naturally secrete these liquids, he had to use a syringe to extract them.

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