Everyone watching the farce and Roger surrendering


"Kaido has many spies in Wano Country, so you must be cautious in your actions and not draw too much attention."

Then they began discussing the details, such as the need to avoid seeking help from outside for safety reasons. Oden had no intention of involving others in Wano Country's affairs; he believed it should be dealt with internally and others should not be involved.

"But what about Kaido's men? It's been a while since the incident, and you have already cleared the outside. Haven't Kaido's men come yet?"

"No, they haven't. Kaido often leaves this place for various matters. Maybe he happens to be away."

On Onigashima, the Beasts Pirates' officers available in Wano were gathered together, while the miniature monitor Rotom broadcasted everything happening there.

Rotom, essentially an electronic ghost, appeared indistinguishable from an ordinary machine when it wasn't moving, so no one had noticed it.

Orochi thought that his plan was flawless, aiming to create a conflict between Oden and Kaido without letting it erupt immediately. He intended to assess the situation before igniting this conflict.

However, he didn't know that Kaido had been watching their farce from start to finish, treating it as a late-night movie show.

Yamato had already gone to sleep. Now, Kaido's training policy for her was to go to bed early and wake up early. If she didn't sleep now, she wouldn't have enough energy the next day.

Nowadays, her schedule was packed, and she had just gone back to take a bath.

Moreover, it was a medicinal bath, Nightin's specially formulated medicine to rejuvenate the body. She was a genius who could carry out reverse aging through medicines, so preparing such a bath was a piece of cake for her.

The only issue was the precious ingredients and the high cost, but that was insignificant for the Beasts Pirates since they had a continuous source of funds from Beasts Fruits.

After hearing their finalized plan, Queen couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Fool's Dance? Mwahaha, what kind of idiot could come up with such a method? And he actually agreed to it?"

"Yeah, it's incredibly foolish. Why don't you join him in the dance? You two fools would make a great pair."

Wherever Queen was present, there would be arguments. His quarrels with King and Shayna had become a unique scene within the Beasts Pirates. He would have small arguments every three days, big arguments every five days, get beaten up once a week, and disappear once a month.

He gets beaten up because he couldn't defeat King and Shayna. Although he has put in a lot of effort, the other two were even more diligent and had unique talents and bloodline advantages. They could even somewhat restrain his attributes, making it very difficult for Queen.

As for why he disappears once a month, it was to prevent getting beaten up too badly. Moreover, recently, he had discovered a strange situation—Setsuna had replaced the targets for her archery practice with his photos. He didn't even know when he had offended that wolf.

Setsuna, who was by Shayna's side everyday, made him feel a new sense of crisis. He had heard that if one's Observation Haki reached a high level, they could achieve the ability to foresee the future. For some reason, he felt that he was approaching that level.

However, amidst the noisy atmosphere, they still had important matters to attend to.

"Kaido, tomorrow you should pay a visit to Orochi. Otherwise, it won't be appropriate."

"You think so? But should we really do that?"

"Of course. Kozuki Toki went through great efforts to restore Oden's reputation. If we don't do this, his dignity will be ruined. As for clarification, he also needs this opportunity."

Oden didn't want significant casualties, and both Arceus and Kaido were the same. They had put considerable effort into cultivating this elite group.

Moreover, upon hearing their plan, Kaido couldn't help but feel that they were practically handing him an easy victory. Considering Oden's connections, if he were to go all out and seek out Roger's crew and enlist the help of Whitebeard, the current Beasts Pirates would truly be no match for them.

If that were to happen, the Beasts Pirates would have to start from scratch. Kaido couldn't help but admire his opponent, who had such a great hand but played it poorly.

He wasted a golden opportunity and is going to tarnish his own reputation. It has to be said that Orochi inadvertently did them a huge favor.

"Have someone keep an eye on Shimotsuki Yasuie and the other daimyos. Also, have Kojiro find a few people to infiltrate."

"Understood, but Lord Sacred Beast-sama, what about the written agreement?"

"The agreement? Let it be. Handwriting can be forged, and people can be coerced. That thing has no credibility whatsoever. Although the Beasts Fruits contract is effective, its effectiveness relies on our own strength. Without strength, it's just a useless piece of paper."

Orders were transmitted from Onigashima, and in order to ensure secrecy, the subordinates below were unaware of the detailed tasks and simply followed the instructions given by the officers.

Kaido also met with Kurozumi Orochi, who wore a smug expression. Orochi portrayed the plan as if Oden was afraid of him and chose to please him by doing the Fool's Dance every week.

Kaido, who had watched the entire live broadcast, didn't say anything, pretending to believe Orochi's words. At the same time, as Orochi had hoped, he took away another large sum of gold from him.

To maintain his supposed character, Kurozumi Orochi continued his oppressive acts. Apart from the streets of the Flower Capital having an additional fool dancing in a loincloth every week, not much else changed.

In order to implement the plan, Oden didn't inform anyone except for Shimotsuki Yasuie. Not even his family and retainers were aware. Whenever someone questioned him, he simply smiled and brushed it off.

This left the people increasingly perplexed, and even Oden's heart wasn't completely at ease. He would often travel within Wano Country, observing its changes, and began to question whether his actions were right.

Riding on a three-tailed monster cow and accompanied by women holding Whimsicott, the people with smiling faces confused him more and more. However, whenever he saw the appearance of his retainers and received encouragement from Yasuie, it strengthened his resolve.

To open the country before Joy Boy's arrival, that was the only correct path in his view.

The world's gears would not stop turning because of one person's actions. Regardless of sunny, snowy or rainy weather, Oden did not cease his foolish behavior.

Meanwhile, in other seas, many things were happening.

August 1498, South Blue, Baterilla Island.

"Are you leaving?"

"Yes, my time is running out. There are things I must do. Thank you, Rouge, for making my last year of life so happy."

Saying that, Roger boarded a small boat, just as he had set sail decades ago. However, this time he wasn't hiding anything. He came alone to the Marine base in South Blue.

"Don't be so nervous, Marines. I am turning myself in." Raising his hands slightly, Roger flashed a meaningful smile at the new Marine recruits.

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