What kind of experience is it to play tennis using Thunder Bagua


"Hmm, what a terrifying destructive power."

Since he was the daimyo of Ringo village, when he heard that other pirates had entered the area, he brought his men to drive them away.

However, his residence was quite far from the Kaeru Port of Ringo, so by the time he arrived, a long time had already passed, and he only saw the pirates cleaning up the place.

Seeing them, the members of Beasts Pirates did not pay much attention to those people dressed as samurai, except for the authorities. Some of the lower-ranking individuals even had a decent relationship with them.

A few pirates had even settled down and gotten married in Wano Country. Although Wano Country was xenophobic, the Beasts Pirates hadn't been staying here for just a few days.

Moreover, the financial situation of these pirates was much better than that of the common people in Wano Country.

Even Kin'emon, a thug, could find a wife. The pirates, who were bound by a series of rules, were much stronger than those thugs.

They just exchanged glances, and both sides continued with their own activities. The outcome of the battle in Ringo would naturally be reported to Kurozumi Orochi.

The members of the Orochi Oniwabanshu set up a projection of Smart Tanishi at the scene, and then displayed the scenes to him in Orochi Castle.

"That Kaido is indeed a monster."

Both Kozuki Oden and Kaido were someone he couldn't handle. Although his plan for Kozuki Oden seemed ridiculous, he was serious about it. He needed Kaido and Kozuki Oden to both suffer defeats, preferably ending in mutual destruction.

He has to control both Oden and Kaido, and just thinking about it was giving him a headache. Of course, if he had known that his plan had been discovered from the beginning, he probably wouldn't even have a head now.

However, the battle between Kaido and Moria made Kozuki Oden slightly believe in Kurozumi Orochi. If Kaido's destructive power were to be unleashed in the Flower Capital, the entire Flower Capital would likely be wiped out.

From this perspective, Orochi's actions were not entirely unreasonable.

Afterward, the most heinous incident in Wano Country in hundreds of years occurred at the Northern Cemetery. Ryuma's grave was robbed, and the Black Blade Shusui went missing, along with several nearby samurai graves being dug up.

To be precise, those corpses seemed to have crawled out of their graves on their own.

However, only the bodies were missing, and all the grave offerings and such were left behind.

"Companions….Pirate King."

The absent-minded Moria was accompanied by some zombies as he left the waters of Wano Country.

Meanwhile, Onigashima.

Most of the officers had gone out to participate in the battle, and many of the elites had been taken away as well. Onigashima had become completely empty. In its design, it could accommodate huge creatures like Giants and host tens of thousands of people, serving as the headquarters of the Beasts Pirates.

But now, only a few hundred people remain.

"Rotom, confirm identity, Acier, permission granted, Rotom."

On the staircase in Onigashima leading to the upper levels, an electronic door opened. Up here was the activity area for the officers, and only the officers and some authorized individuals could go up.

The Rotom residing in the electronic door opened it only after confirming Acier's identity. As a civilian officer, he had no involvement in the battles outside.

So, when the battles were raging everywhere in the seas of the New World, he was peacefully playing tennis inside Onigashima.

Although his body hadn't aged much due to the influence of Pure Gold, he had reached the stage of a middle-aged otaku. He had tried to lose weight, but with limited success. Currently, he has only managed to prevent further expansion.

He wasn't good at fighting, but some moderate exercise was still necessary. His tennis partner was Nightin. Although they both have research and cultivation work, it didn't affect their normal rest and recreation.

However, something seemed off about the tennis court today.

"Why is Mr. Kaido here?"

"I don't know. He was already here when I arrived."

Nightin and Acier looked at each other. It was quite absurd for Kaido to appear in a place like this. However, when Yamato, who had changed clothes, appeared, they seemed to have understood something.

"Is Mr. Kaido here to play tennis with his daughter? That's nice. Maybe when Olga returns, I should also play with her?"

Acier stretched his wrists a bit. The tennis court here was quite large, enough for many people to play together, so he planned to move to a farther location.

"I think things aren't that simple," Nightin said. Fighting wasn't her main job, but she could also hold her own when fighting. In this regard, her intuition was much stronger than Acier's. She could feel that things weren't that simple.

And the next moment, her intuition proved to be correct.

"Yamato, are you ready?"

"I'm ready."

"Good. As long as you can return my ball once, your training for today can end."


"Of course it's true, but you better be prepared." As he said that, Kaido picked up his racket. The racket was quite small for him, but it didn't matter. He tossed a regular tennis ball into the air.

Up until this point, everything seemed normal, but the next moment, Kaido's actions startled Acier and Nightin.

"Thunder Bagua!"

In simple terms, Thunder Bagua was Kaido's fighting technique. It didn't necessarily rely on a kanabo; he could use it with any weapon, including a racket. To prevent a regular racket from breaking under his strength, he also infused it with Armament Haki.

Acier and Nightin didn't see where the tennis ball went, but they saw the dent on the wall behind Yamato. Although it was just a tennis ball, Acier could only think of one word.

"Gulp." Acier swallowed his saliva. Just a moment ago, he had been considering discussing the matter of raising his daughter with Kaido, but now it seemed somewhat unnecessary.

"I don't think today is a good day for tennis, what do you think?"

"I agree. The herbs in my laboratory have almost matured. I need to go check on them. How about we play next time?"

"Sounds good. My smelted metal should also be ready. See you next time." Saying that, they immediately slipped away from there. Aside from Kaido, there probably wasn't anyone else who could hit a tennis ball like a cannonball.

"Father, this..."

"It's tennis. I've specially prepared two hundred balls. I've already locked the door, and unless I finish hitting these two hundred balls, or if you manage to hit a ball back, it won't be considered over."

"Save me!"

Previously, Kaido threw the snowballs barehanded, but this time he's using a racket for the tennis balls. The difficulty level has risen more than just one level, and to make matters worse, Kaido is adding some tricks. The tennis balls he hits can bounce back.

Even if she managed to dodge the first round, there might still be a second round. The tennis balls flying out could even bounce back from behind. Whether the one being taught was happy or not was unclear, but the one teaching, judging from their expression, was definitely happy.

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