The Destroyed Refugee Boat (Bonus Chapter)

Giants have a unique culture. Due to the scheme that Carmel and the World Government plotted together, Marines now have many Giants serving as Vice Admirals.

However, the Giant Warrior Pirates also has considerable fame within the Giant's kingdoms. There were only two or three kingdom of giants, and whether they were born in Elbaf or not, all of them had heard the legends about those Giants.

For example, "Waterfall Beard" Jorul was hailed as a hero among Giants. However, during Charlotte Linlin's craving-induced rampage during her childhood, it resulted in the death of this respected elder Giant. As a consequence, she became a hated figure among all Giants.

Even Buggy managed to recruit five young Giant mercenaries. As long as the conditions were right, recruiting a few Giants wouldn't be difficult. However, this required a catalyst, and Saul could be that catalyst at this moment.

According to the original plotline, if he had chosen to leave when the Buster Call had just been initiated, there might have been a chance. But because of Robin, he gave up that opportunity.

With these scholars in his hand, he didn't believe Saul would cause any trouble, and nobody could pull off any tricks under his watchful eyes.

With Robin's devil fruit ability, the books inside the Tree of Knowledge were quickly collected.

Saul also assumed the role of the biggest porter, and several scholars used the remaining pieces of desks and other items inside the tree to create a large sack to hold the vast collection of books.

"Don't say much, and don't ask questions. Just follow us. As long as you don't wander around, you won't be discovered," said Olga, leading the way out of the Tree of Knowledge, while her illusion obscured the outside world's view.

"Lord Arceus, you'll have to handle the defense. But where are we going?"

"To the west, there is the refugee boat. To the east, there's the Marine fleet. We'll leave from the north," said Arceus, moving the barrier he created to guard them. No cannonball could harm them under the protection of the barrier.

Occasionally, cannonballs would explode against the barrier, but it was merely a fireworks display for those inside the barrier.

"Hey, you big oaf, keep up! You nearly slipped out of the illusion!"

The scholars of Ohara were taken aback by Arceus's ability to protect one side amid the cannonfire, yet the impression it left on them paled in comparison to Saul's experience. Saul fully understood the significance of Buster Call for the Marines.

Over the past few decades, Buster Call has been initiated three times, targeting Rocks, Bullet and Ohara.

Even a monster like Bullet couldn't escape the firepower of Buster Call, which is why Arceus's action left him stunned.

Arceus intercepted the cannonfire, Olga disrupted the visibility, and after they left, the cannon balls would wipe away any trace of their presence.

Shortly after their departure, the Tree of Knowledge collapsed under the relentless bombardment.

Before the wood could fully ignite, subsequent cannon balls turned the Tree of Knowledge's Library, which had stood for hundreds of years, into powder.

Seeing the tree collapse, tears welled up in the eyes of many scholars. It was the place they had devoted half their lives to, and even though the documents had been taken away, the memories of the past had disappeared forever.

Upon reaching the coast, they were lifted into the air by electromagnetic forces. After the initial shock, they gazed down at the Ohara below.

Gone were its prosperity replaced by a scene of devastation everywhere. Today, this once holy land of history became a part of history itself.

"Mom... Ohara is gone."

Separated for six years, the mother and daughter were once again reunited, but their home had disappeared.

"It's okay. From now on, Mom will be with you."

"It's alright, Robin. We are already very lucky that we were able to leave safely from such a disaster. Come on, like I told you before, smile. Dereshishishi."

Saul comforted Robin, after all he had become her new friend during these days. Meanwhile, his demonic laughter caught the attention of Yamato.

"Dad, are all Giants so strange?" Saul's laughter was even more demonic than Kaido's, which puzzled Yamato who was seeing a Giant for the first time.

"He's just an exception. But don't learn that strange laugh, and also, don't learn your father's laugh too. I really can't understand how they make those sounds when laughing."

Although demonic, Saul's laughter eased the emotions of the scholars. Apart from Robin, the expressions of ordinary people changed considerably. It's worth mentioning that they didn't bring the Poneglyph with them, only a stone rubbing of it.

After all, Poneglyphs cannot be damaged whether by bombardment or burning, and those secret agents had already confirmed the Poneglyph's existence.

During the subsequent Marine investigation, if that Poneglyph were to disappear, it would be suspicious.

After ascending to a certain height, they headed towards the location where their ships were hidden. Saul continued to console the people of Ohara with his demonic laughter, but soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

From high above, they could clearly see the refugee boat sailing into the distance, but in the next moment, it exploded.

The cannon fire below never ceased, but the scholars of Ohara fell completely silent.

Some of them were alone, but many had loved ones on the refugee boat.

Under the heavy shelling, the refugee boat vanished on the sea surface. The intense explosion meant none of the civilians on board could have possibly survived.

"How... how could that be? Wasn't that the refugee boat!?"

"Are the Marines... are those Marines crazy? Didn't those agents already screen everyone?"

Saul's expression gradually became blank. Killing the scholars and destroying Ohara was because they had committed serious crimes. However, on the refugee ship, there were only civilians, and he couldn't fathom why they spared none of them.

"Is this the Marine's justice?" At this moment, he was deeply engulfed in self-doubt. Arresting criminals and upholding peace on the sea seemed undoubtedly right, but right now, they were completely different from the Marines he had envisioned in his heart.

On the four Marine battleships of the Buster Call fleet, none of the Marines could comprehend what had just happened. It was a refugee boat prepared for civilians under the World Government's order, yet they were sunk just like that.

"What's going on?"

"It seems to be bombardment from Vice Admiral Sakazuki's ship."

On one of the warships, Kuzan's sunglasses reflected the flames of the refugee boat, his face filled with disbelief.

Since Saul hadn't approached the coast, no Marines discovered him.

There were witnesses, but all of them had just died in the bombardment.

Failing to locate Saul, Kuzan had chosen not to leave the warship. But, seeing this, Kuzan, who is still a hot-tempered young man, vanished from the ship all of a sudden.


"Vice Admiral Kuzan! Where are you going!"

The soldiers' shouts couldn't stop Kuzan, and only an ice crystal remained on the deck. Meanwhile, Kuzan's figure had already appeared on Sakazuki's ship.

"Sakazuki, you ba*tard, what the hell did you do?!"


100 Power Stones- 1 chapter (Done)

250 Power Stones- 2 chapter

500 Power Stones- 3 chapter

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