Emboar and King of Scapegoat

Although the Marines obtained Giants as Vice Admirals through some plans, the World Government was not content. These Giant' Vice Admirals have their own thoughts and their actions are heavily influenced by their personal preferences and inclinations, as evident from behavior similar to Saul's, which highlights the underlying issue.

World Government desired obedient war machines, soldiers who followed orders without question. However, the Giants couldn't satisfy that requirement.

Due to the immense strength of the kingdoms of giants, they have some agreements with both the non-allied kingdoms and the World Government. The World Government seeks countermeasures, and thus, the plan to produce the Ancient Giant Tribe was set in motion.

It was initially led by Vegapunk, but he lost interest after a while as he believed perfectly replicating Ancient Giants was impossible.

As per the agreement with the World Government, they couldn't force him to research something he had lost interest in, so the experiment was eventually handed over to Ceasar Clown.

However, in the end, they only managed to produce some failed products with low-intelligence. While they were able to replicate the physique similar to Ancient Giants, they lacked the strength possessed by the ancient Giants which could not even be compared to the original Oars the Continent-Puller, let alone Oars Jr.

Moreover, the World Government demanded emotionless and strictly obedient war machines, but they ended up with unintelligent monsters that even struggled to understand orders.

They had enormous appetites, performed poorly in executing orders, and on the battlefield, they often couldn't even distinguish between friends and foe. Although the subsequent test subjects improved over time, the World Government considered this research result far from being a worthwhile investment.

Thus, after creating a certain number of test subjects without achieving the desired results, they suspended the experiment, and these test subjects remained frozen underground in Punk Hazard.

Now, they have decided to utilize these failures. Though for the World Government, these beings were of little value and couldn't even compare to ordinary Giant' Vice Admiral.

But that's for the enormous entity i.e. World Government. For outsiders, no one could afford such experiments. Thus, they considered it a favorable condition for Kaido.

"Sounds good, but these guys seem dead set. They should know exactly what we want most."

Reading the intelligence gathered by Omanyte, Kaido formed a new assessment of these people. However, the fact that they have started to raise the price indicated one thing – they still required a significant amount of Seastone.

Yet, they were unwilling to offer a higher price. Offering something voluntarily would make them appear anxious and put them at a disadvantage in the negotiation. But due to the leaked intelligence, CP0 agents were constantly in a disadvantaged position.

"Queen, have you heard about them before?"

"When the research group was still intact, that ba*tard Ceasar had similar ideas, but I think replicating those things is impossible. Judge had the same opinion. Though I hate to admit it, when it comes to human cloning, that guy Judge is more skilled. They also mentioned that it was a failed product, so it's probably not something good."

While they had the concept when their research group was still together, it never progressed beyond that. After the group disbanded, everyone went their separate ways, so Queen couldn't provide precise details.

Kaido planned to meet them and inspect the goods in person. Even though the fish they wanted to catch hadn't taken the bite yet, fishing couldn't rely solely on brute force; it required patience and the right moment to reel in the line.

"But how should we reject their offer this time?"

Their goal was the plates or the Devil Fruits, not these failed Giants. So, Kaido was already contemplating the reasons for refusal.

"It's not that difficult. Just tell them their goods are inferior to ours. Queen, it's your time to prove yourself."

"Ah! Lord Arceus, I'm not familiar with this thing; it's not my area of expertise."

Although Queen has worked on many things, this particular area was indeed his blind spot in terms of skills.

"No, there is a reason for everything, and you are quite suitable for it right now." Through Omanyte's eavesdropping during this time, they have figured out the reason behind Queen's increased bounty.

There must be some reason for not being interested in something; if you can't even produce a reason, that's not negotiation, that's just causing trouble. The best way to reject those failed products is to prove that you have something better.

For instance, the genius Queen had already created more controllable beings.

"You mean..."

"That pig has been a mascot for so long; now it's time for it to be useful."

After the giant carp and the Skypiea's giant snake, modifying giant Pokémon have become possible. So, Arceus set his sight on Wano's Mountain God.

As for where this boar came from, well, Queen has already become a scapegoat for more than one thing, so adding a few more won't make a difference.

Kibi Region

Kojiro's current residence was near the habitat of the Mountain God, which was essentially a pigsty. Today, this boar was about to experience rebirth.

In the past, it had experienced being cut in half and stitched back together, and today, it discovered that pigs could also walk on two legs.

Due to the symbolic significance of the Mountain God, it, like Elizabeth, belongs to the type that can switch between its original form and Pokémon form. Currently, it is in the process of familiarizing itself with walking on two legs.

It was the final evolution of Tepig, Mega Fire Pig Pokémon - Emboar.

Now, the Mountain God wild boar, similar to Zhu Bajie, was standing on the ground. Flames blazed around its neck, forming its fiery mane.

Its black eyebrows arched upwards, and both of its arms had turned black except for the tips of the hooves. Additionally, it had two red rings around its wrists.

Its tail resembled a tuft of hair, transforming into an afro hairstyle.

It was still not entirely familiar with its new body and accidentally fell to the ground. Its colossal body resembled a small mountain, standing nearly 20 meters tall, towering over even Saul.

After managing to stand up, it looked at its hands. As it rubbed its hands against the flames around its neck, its fists also ignited.

At first, it was afraid of the flames on its fists and desperately tried to shake them off. However, it soon discovered that the flames didn't hurt at all. It raised its fists to the sky and swung them.

"Emboar, this will be your name from now on."


"Alright, familiarize yourself with your new body quickly, but no using fire."

Emboar was sent to one side to acquaint itself with its new body. Then, Arceus turned to Kaido.

"This guy should be enough to deal with those failed Ancient Giants. If the things they've created can't even beat a wild boar, it's embarrassing to bring up any trade, right?"

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