You guys can't even beat my pig!

CP0 team arrived aboard a large warship. Although the ship's cargo hold was enough for the behemoth they were transporting, it would become a big problem if it went berserk once awakened.

Though their team wasn't afraid of it, they didn't want it damaging their warship.

"After thawing, will it start moving immediately?"

"Of course not. If you need it, we can thaw it here on Punk Hazard first and then sedate it before you take it with you."

"Alright, that one then. Thaw it, sedate it, and load it onto the ship."

The CP0 captain pointed to a massive test subject labeled "3" on its body. "3" was its experimental code. They chose this one because it looked stronger and, at least, implied there might be "1" and "2" as well, which would be more advantageous when they are making the deal.

After the CP0 team set sail with test subject "3", the Beast Pirates also began making their move. Unlike CP0, who were coming on a warship to trade, Kaido didn't intend to bring a large group.

He transformed into his dragon form and carried Emboar on the Flame Cloud, heading directly to the meeting place. Apart from the scapegoat Queen, he brought no one else as it would be easier to make a quick retreat if something went wrong.

"Queen, have you memorized your lines?"

"Don't worry, Boss Kaido. Even if there is an impromptu situation, there would be no problem. I'm a professional in this field."

Queen, who was in his Tropius form, was flying behind Kaido, brimming with confidence as he made a promise. His so-called lines were simple—he just has to mock the shoddy products made by the World Government.

Emboar, on the other hand, kept its eyes tightly shut, as it was a bit afraid of heights. Originally, it was just an ordinary wild boar with a slightly larger physique, but recently, it had gone through quite a lot in its pig life, even getting to taste the feeling of flying.

In the Calm Belt near New World, a ship bearing the World Government's cross insignia was anchored here. It was their meeting point with Kaido.

This time, there were no intermediaries from the Underworld; they were going to directly speak with the pirate crew as they didn't want anyone else to find out about it.

World Government has to maintain its reputation after all. Although they have had dealings with pirates, they could never let the world know about it.

Just like how Spandine followed procedures on Ohara, the World Government places a great emphasis on maintaining a good reputation. They attach significant importance on covering up, that's why this warship doesn't have much crew on board.

Upon their arrival, they found that Kaido was already here, sitting casually on the coast.

"You've finally arrived? Are you dogs always this slow when doing your master's bidding?"

It was familiar trash talk, but the expressions of the two CP0 agents remained unchanged. Their minds were well-trained, and if others' criticisms could affect them, CP0 would have committed mass suicide a long time ago.

Ordinary people couldn't openly offend those who worked for the Celestial Dragons, but there was no shortage of people criticizing them behind their back. Whether from allied kingdoms or non-allied kingdoms, most people have no good opinion of the Celestial Dragons.

The exception are those like the Royal Family of Goa Kingdom who aspired to become Celestial Dragons or someone who willingly serves them.

"Enough with the nonsense, Kaido. We are here to negotiate the deal."

"I know, but if you want me to consider your so-called giant weapon, I need to see what it looks like."

CP0 gestured to the people behind them, and a large wooden plank slid down from the deck of their ship. Soon after, a massive iron cage covered in black cloth was pushed out.

"World Government is showing sincerity. Since you're not interested in money, how about this?"

As they removed the black cloth, the heavily sedated test subject number 3, who was still sleeping, was revealed.

"This is the result of the government replicating Ancient Giants. It's larger than regular Giants and should be sufficient for your pirate conflicts."

"It still looks like nothing much. But how do we know if this thing is as useful as you said on the phone without trying it out?"

"How do you propose to test it?"

"Since it's a weapon, it must be tested in combat."

Kaido's words caused a slight change in CP0's expression, and their faces turned somewhat unpleasant. This kind of failed product couldn't possibly be Kaido's opponent. If he wants to test it like this, it seems he has no sincere intentions. However, what he said next changed their minds slightly.

"As it happens, my subordinate has also made some research progress. Why not let them compare their creations? If this one can defeat mine, I'll agree to the deal."

Although these giants weren't made by Vegapunk himself, he set the precedent, and his second-in-command, Caesar Clown, continued the work with significant funding from the World Government. A mere pirate crew couldn't possibly produce anything comparable.

"Very well, wake it up."

A subordinate brought out a large syringe and injected it into the body of test subject No. 3. They opened the cage, and soon the obese creature with two straight horns on its head and a goatee on its chin walked out.

But its first action was to attack the CP0 agents next to it.

"Seems like this thing doesn't follow orders well."

"It's just untrained. Can't you solve this small issue? Need us to tame it for you?"

Facing Queen's question, he threw it back at him, changing the narrative from "disobedient" to "untrained." Pirates were a prideful group, and normally, they wouldn't ask for help with taming.

Besides, it wasn't clear who these tamed creatures would ultimately obey.

"Muhahaha, no need to train this disobedient trash. Witness the result of my experiment! Come out, Emboar!"

A resonating sound echoed from the forest on the island, and soon after a humanoid boar emerged, nearly the same size as test subject No. 3.

Though they were both giant creatures, even with a boar head, this humanoid beast was more intimidating in appearance than a human. Most importantly, CP0 noticed that Emboar seemed obedient.

"Go, Emboar! Take care of that big one, and I'll give you an extra meal tonight!"

After a brief bumping of fists, Emboar charged toward the test subject on the beach, displaying far more discipline than the disobedient test subject.

Test Subject No. 3 couldn't comprehend what was happening and was sent flying with a punch from Emboar.

Shaking its head and rising from the sea, test subject No. 3 let out an angry roar before it changed its target and charged towards Emboar. The two colossal beasts engaged in a fierce battle on the beach, tearing at each other

However, it was evident to anyone that Emboar had the upper hand compared to the reckless attacks of Test Subject No. 3. The CP0 captain's expression darkened as he observed the fight.

[Author: I think Zanki name should have been given by the Beasts Pirates. Therefore, for now, he is only identified by a number, and not a name."]

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