Robin's Potential as a Pokémon Professor

"This…it has evolved!"

Looking at the lively Alcremie bouncing on her stomach, Yamato revealed a delighted smile. It was their first time witnessing evolution up close.

Arceus had mentioned evolution before but didn't tell them how Milcery would evolve.

Most Pokémon evolve through level up, meaning they naturally evolve when their training reaches a certain level. These Pokémon can sense when they are close to evolving.

Apart from this, the most common way of evolution is through Evolution Stones. When facing an Evolution Stone, they will sense it and know what will happen once they come into contact with it.

As for the rest, like evolution through communication, friendship and random evolution like Milcery, they are not well understood even by the Pokémon themselves who have not yet evolved. That's why Yamato, who possesses the Power of Viridian, has been unaware of Milcery's evolution method.

Besides, most of the other Pokémon he created were in their final form, or they have no evolution.

Magikarp was far out in the sea, so they hardly had any chances to meet, hence they never had this opportunity before.

"Dad was right. Evolution is truly the most miraculous thing in the world."

The change in form and appearance made it hard to recognize Alcremie as the previous Milcery. Even its call had changed a bit. Still, Yamato could be certain that it was her Milcery. Power of Viridian allowed her to communicate with it effortlessly.

The evolved Milcery, now Alcremie, was also very happy, clapping its hands to produce many vanilla-chocolate-flavored cream.

The cream made by the unevolved Milcery was plain, but after evolving, it could change flavors based on the rotation and sweets it held.

Due to the chocolate in Yamato's arms and the rolling range, its flavor had turned into this one.

While Yamato was happily playing with Alcremie, Jack looked at his own Milcery, sensing a hint of envy from it.

"Do you want to evolve too?"


Jack's line of thinking was that Yamato's Milcery evolved after accidentally tumbling down the stairs with her, so by that logic, if he tumbled down the stairs with his Milcery, it should also evolve.

Though only a few months behind Yamato in age, Jack had also become reckless. After accepting this logic, he picked up his Milcery and rolled down the nearby stairs with it.

The girls beside him couldn't react in time, and Jack's round body was already rushing towards the next floor.


Maria extended a large spider web from her hand to try to catch Jack, but his weight combined with the momentum from the tumble only slightly slowed him down.

Finally, with the combined efforts of Robin and Maria, they managed to stop Jack.

As a Fish-Man, his thick skin and sturdy body were not affected anyway by the tumble. However, his Milcery didn't evolve.

"Strange, why didn't it evolve? Is it because I rolled down the wrong stairs?"

Saying that, he planned to try again on the stairs Yamato rolled down before. However, this time he was stopped; they might not be able to stop him if he tried it once again.

"Wait, Jack. Milcery's evolution is definitely not that simple. Otherwise, they would have evolved already."

Maria also wanted her Milcery to evolve. She seemed to have a natural motherly instinct, treating Milcery not just as a partner but as a child. Naturally, she could understand the impulse of this "child" to evolve.

Taking Yamato's Alcremie as an example, they began to research the principle behind Milcery's evolution. However, the only conclusion Maria and Jack reached was that Milcery's evolution had something to do with Yamato's recent tumble.

At this moment, Robin offered her insights.

"Could it be related to the sweet you had on you?"

Due to the color, the chocolate accessory on Yamato's Alcremie's head wasn't very obvious, but Robin noticed it.

She was someone who had collected enough information in half a day than certain people did in over a decade of hard work. Since details were always important in archaeology, she noticed this difference.

She was also holding a piece of chocolate in her hand, the one Yamato gave her earlier. By comparing them carefully, she could tell that the designs of the chocolates were the same.

Now, Nico Robin was also interested in understanding how Alcremie evolved. Milcery's evolution had piqued her curiosity.

Archaeology is a rather boring subject, especially when reading through those complicated documents. Young Robin's interest in archaeology had a lot to do with the environment.

Fear from people her age left her without companions, and discrimination from relatives deprived her of care. Only the scholars of Tree of Knowledge treated her with equality and prepared birthday cakes for her.

In order to better integrate into this group, she naturally started to get in touch with archaeology and she slowly developed an interest. Moreover, Olivia's behavior also had some influence on her.

Beasts Pirates didn't fear devil fruit users. After arriving here, she was finally able to interact with some people of her own age, unlike in the original timeline where she had to constantly live in fear of being betrayed and hunted down and could not even sleep soundly.

Now, at least she has good dreams at night. Even though she doesn't have Milcery, it doesn't stop her from engaging with this matter in order to better integrate into the group.

Moreover, Milcery's ability to create cream and its evolution also aroused her thirst for knowledge.

She was a theorist, but Jack was a practical person. He didn't have any chocolates, but he had lemon mint sweets. After putting the sweet in Milcery's hand, he rolled down again.

The three of them didn't expect Jack to roll down again, so this time Jack directly collided with the corner of the stairs. However, this also confirmed Robin's conjecture – sweets were directly related to Milcery's evolution.

His Milcery also evolved into Alcremie, but its main color was light yellow, with a hint of green on top.

"It worked! It evolved too!"

Jack raised his own Alcremie. Even male Fish-men can have a bit of a girlish side when they are younger.

"That's amazing, Robin. You guessed it right. It seems you need to roll with a sweet to make it happen."

Maria looked around and found that she only had some matcha pastries, but she thought it was worth a try.

So she planned to replicate Jack's actions. As her physique wasn't as strong, she had already transformed into her Beast Form as a large spider. She was going to roll down while holding Milcery.

"Wait! Don't roll down the stairs. I think spinning should be enough; there's no need for such a big movement. Just spin with it a few times in one spot."

Hearing this, Maria tried it, and a third green Alcremie appeared right there.

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