Red Count has been arrested and Celestial Dragon's Plate

"Well done, Robin! Finally caught this little guy."

Seeing this little guy who was shedding cotton get caught, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The volume of cotton in the room was already many times that of Whimsicott, and the scholars found it hard to understand how this could happen.

After all, it's not scientific at all. In fact, it's not even science. Strictly speaking, it belongs to theology.

The captured Whimsicott felt a sense of defeat and stopped its cotton-shedding behavior. For it, losing meant it couldn't continue playing pranks.

"What should we do with it?"

"What else? Send it to them. They have tags hanging on them. But now we have plenty of cotton, enough to make several quilts."

They are not useless scholars who don't know anything except for research; they have past experiences of exploring history and have mastered some wilderness survival skills.

Some life hacks were naturally not a challenge for them.

"Producing cotton and generating electricity, the creatures here are really peculiar."

"They're called Pokémon. There are even some that can produce cream below the island." Robin shared her experience of Onigashima, sparking even more curiosity about Pokémon among the scholars.

Whimsicott didn't stay here for long and was quickly taken back by the people from the pasture. After helping with gathering the cotton, Robin returned to their residence with Olvia.

Two days later, Kaido also returned to Onigashima with Queen and Emboar. Everything was the same as usual, and there were even more Pokémon in Onigashima and Wano Country.

Arceus and Kaido periodically went out to search for the plates, and the explorations of the officers continued, though temporarily yielding no gains.

After the Golden Lion's jailbreak that greatly embarrassed the Marines, they finally had a chance to redeem themselves. Patrick Redfield was arrested!

This news made headlines for three consecutive days, and both the Marines and the World Government spared no effort in publicizing this event.

"Aloof Red," "Red Count," is a legendary pirate from Roger's era, who is on par with the likes of great pirates like Golden Lion and Whitebeard with a single person's strength.

Since he is alone without any companions, Marines faced significant challenges when they tried to capture him.

After all, this meant he had no worries about future consequences. Once their attempts to capture him failed, they may face his retaliation. If their military strength is not enough, they will not be able to defeat him, and if they spend too much military strength, he may not confront them.

However, having few associates also had its downsides. He couldn't handle a war of attrition, and after a considerable effort from the Marines, they finally found Redfield's trail.

The current Fleet Admiral of the Marines, known as "Steel Bone" Kong fought fiercely with Redfield for several days and nights. Eventually, both Redfield and Kong became exhausted, but Redfield had no companions, whereas Kong had an entire Marine force behind him.

In the end, Garp, who was accompanying them, successfully arrested Redfield and sent him to prison. It was a rare victory for the Marines.

However, the results achieved weren't enough to contain the rise of pirates. Without addressing the root problems, no matter how many people they captured, it wouldn't make a difference.

The number of criminals with devil fruit abilities were increasing rapidly. And not just the Marines, but even some major pirates and local kingdoms began purchasing Seastone from the black market as they had their own needs for Seastone.

Nowadays, the price of Seastone in the black market had tripled. Black market merchants didn't care about morals; whoever offered more money was the truth. In this situation, Kaido, the largest Seastone supplier, became even more important.

According to the Intelligence Branch's analysis of Kaido, they finally shifted their focus to the Celestial Dragons in Mariejois.

Mariejois, where the Celestial Dragons resided, one of them was taking a stroll to show off the newly acquired slave.

With dark green hair styled in the typical fashion of Celestial Dragons, and wearing something akin to a spacesuit, but without the helmet.

They wore helmets only because they disdained to breathe the same air as ordinary people, but it was different here.

"Saint Mjosgard, there are World Government officials here to see you."

A World Government agent bowed 90 degrees at Mjosgard's side, humbly reporting the situation. Celestial Dragons are respectfully addressed as Saint.

Working here wasn't an easy task. Currently, they were officials, but if things went south, they could end up dead or enslaved.

"Ah? Why are they here to see me? Is it because I just lost two of my slaves, and they came to replenish them."

"That's right, Saint Mjosgard. They happen to bring what you need."

"Is that so? Then, I'll go and take a look. Good-for-nothing, hurry up and get up!"

With those words, a whip struck the slave beneath him. It was a common hobby of Celestial Dragons to use strong individuals as their mounts. Human lives were disposable in this city; every day, slaves were toyed with until death, and new slaves were constantly brought in.

Soon after, Mjosgard met with the officials, accompanied by a member of the God's Knights, who was here to ensure the officials' safety.

Ordinary staff could be replaced at will, but high-ranking individuals of a branch couldn't be changed casually. Assessing their trustworthiness was a troublesome task.

God's Knights is the exclusive security organization for the Celestial Dragons, led by a Celestial Dragon itself. They are not only responsible for the safety of the Celestial Dragons but also for dealing with those Celestial Dragons who violate internal discipline.

Seeing these people, Mjosgard's expression was not very pleasant.

"What do you want with me?"

"It's like this, Saint Mjosgard. We've heard that you're collecting fish-men slaves, and we happen to have a batch of high-quality fish-men slaves, so we'd like to exchange something with you."

This is Mjosgard's interest; he has a particular fondness for fish-men slaves. Of course, mermaid slaves would be even better. Unfortunately, this time he didn't come across any mermaids or the like, but he is still quite satisfied with several sturdy fish-men slaves.

"Well, not bad. I'm quite satisfied. So, what do you want? Two hundred million Berries?"

"Saint Mjosgard, after our investigation, we found out that there is a mysterious stone in the treasure vault of the former Saint Homing. After he gave up his Celestial Dragons' identity, part of his assets was divided among other Donquixote members, and that stone is now in your possession."

"Oh? That thing. It should be in the treasure vault. You can go look for it yourselves; it's useless to me anyway. Exchanging it for a few slaves is acceptable."

Mjosgard didn't make things difficult in this regard, which relieved the World Government's people.

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